features of a science

Cards (8)

  • the features of a science are:
    theory construction
    hypothesis testing
    paradigm shift
  • theory construction- collection of general principles that explain facts
  • objectivity- free from opinion
  • replicability- the research can be repeated under the same conditions and the same results are found
    so the results were not a fluke and are therefore reliable
  • control- extraneous variables controlled preventing from impacting the dependant variable
    so the only thing affecting the DV is the IV
    so we can establish a cause and effect relationship
  • empiricism- the idea that knowledge is based on experience and observation, we can see it and measure it so it is empirical
  • hypothesis testing- is it testable
  • paradigm shift- a shared set of assumptions and methods about a subject, that is then questioned. this critique gains popularity and a shift in ideas occurs