Incisors & Canines

Cards (35)

  • Mandibular Right Permanent Canine

    Describe how many roots and cusps
    one root
    -> distal side has a groove
    -> it bends towards the distal
    -> root is flattened mesiodistally (has an oval cross section)
    single cusp
    -> mesial slope of the cusp tip is shorter than the distal slope
  • Mandibular Right Permanent Canine

    describe the palatal surface of the Mandibular Right Permanent Canine
    Poorly developed cingulum
    LESS developed marginal ridges compared to maxillary canine
    -> this produces shallow lingual fossa
  • Mandibular Right Permanent Canine

    describe the labial surface of the Mandibular Right Permanent Canine
    long axis of the tooth tilts towards the lingual resulting in the labial surface becoming convex whilst the lingual is concave
  • Mandibular Right Permanent Canine

    describe the mesial and distal surface of the Mandibular Right Permanent Canine
    Mandibular canine is MORE ELONGATED and NARROWER mesiodistally
    Elongated crown
  • Mandibular Right Permanent Canine

    Where is the Mandibular Right Permanent Canine in relation to the other teeth?
    - 3rd tooth from the midline
    - between the second incisors and the first premolars
    - right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Mandibular Right Permanent Canine

    How to chart Mandibular Right Permanent Canine?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 3_|
    FDI system: 43_|
    Universal system: 27_|
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Incisor

    Describe how many roots and cusps
    Single root
    -> Deep groove on distal surface of the root
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the palatal surface of the Mandibular Second Permanent Right Incisor
    Poorly developed cingulum
    mesial and distal marginal ridges are not well developed
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the mesial and distal surface of the Mandibular Second Permanent Right Incisor
    LARGER and LONGER than first incisor
    Mesial incisal edge is nearly 90⁰
    Distal incisal edge is curved
    -> incisal edge is WIDER than first incisor mediodistally
    Fan shaped crown
    -> The crown rotates distally towards the canine
    -> The crown tilts towards the lingual
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Incisor

    Where is the Mandibular Second Permanent Right Incisor in relation to the other teeth?
    - 2nd tooth from the midline
    - between the first incisors and the canines
    - right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Incisor

    How to chart Mandibular Second Permanent Right Incisor?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 2_|
    FDI system: 42_|
    Universal system: 26_|
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Incisor

    Describe how many roots and cusps
    Single root which curves distally
    -> Distal side of root has groove
    -> Mesial side of root is rounded
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the palatal surface of the Mandibular First Permanent Right Incisor
    Poorly developed cingulum
    Marginal ridges less defined than the maxillary first incisor
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the mesial and distal surface of the Mandibular First Permanent Right Incisor
    Smallest of the permanent teeth
    Mesial and distal are similar
    Crown length longer than mesiodistal width
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Incisor

    Where is the Mandibular First Permanent Right Incisor in relation to the other teeth?
    - closest to the midline
    - distal to second incisors
    - right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Incisor

    How to chart Mandibular First Permanent Right Incisor?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 1_|
    FDI system: 41_|
    Universal system: 25_|
  • Maxillary Permanent Right Canine

    Describe how many roots and cusps
    1 long root that curves towards distal
    -> Root cross section isa rounded triangular shape
    Single pointed cusp
    -> Mesial slope of cusp is shorter than the distal slope
    -> convex shape when looked down onto
  • Maxillary Permanent Right Canine

    describe the palatal surface of the Maxillary Permanent Right Canine

    longitudinal ridge that runs from the well developed cingulum to the cusp tip
    mesial and distal marginal ridges meet at the cervix to form the LARGE cingulum
    • there are two palatal fossa: mesial fossa and distal fossa (deepest)
  • Maxillary Permanent Right Canine

    describe the labial surface of the Maxillary Permanent Right Canine
    Labial surface is convex
    Labial surface is wider than palatal surface
  • Maxillary Permanent Right Canine

    Where is the Maxillary Permanent Right Canine in relation to the other teeth?
    - 3rd teeth from the midline
    - between the second incisor and the first premolars
    - right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Maxillary Permanent Right Canine

    How to chart Maxillary Permanent Right Canine?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 3_|
    FDI system: 13_|
    Universal system: 6_|
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor

    Describe how many roots and cusps
    • ONE long, spindly, single root which bends towards the distal
    • no cusp (there is an incisal edge/ridge)
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor

    Describe the proximal view of the crown
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the palatal surface of the Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor
    Shovel shaped
    Concave palatal with mesial and distal marginal ridges that meet at the cervix to form the well developed cingulum
    there is a developmental pit at the base of the cingulum
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the labial surface of the Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor
    • labial surface is flat (spade-like)- similiar to 1st incisor however crown on 2nd is SMALLER and MORE ROUNDED
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the mesial and distal surface of the Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor
    Mesial corner has a 90 degree angle to the incisal tip
    Distal corner is curved
    • cervical margin is convex
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor

    Where is the Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor in relation to the other teeth?
    - second teeth from the midline
    - between the first incisor and the canine
    - right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor

    How to chart Maxillary Second Permanent Right Incisor?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 2_|
    FDI system: 12_|
    Universal system: 7_|
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor

    Describe how many roots and cusps
    One short stubby root in which has a triangular cross-section
    no cusp (there is an incisal edge/ridge)
    -> the incisal edge is convex in shape when looked down on
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the palatal surface of the Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor
    Shovel shaped
    Concave palatal with mesial and distal marginal ridges that meet at the cervix to form the well developed cingulum
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor

    Describe the proximal view of the crown
    appears triangular
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the labial surface of the Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor
    2 labial grooves that disappear about half way up the flat spade shaped labial surface
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor

    describe the mesial and distal surface of the Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor
    Mesial surface is straight and has a 90 degree angle to the incisal tip
    Distal edge is curved
    widest tooth mesiodistally
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor

    Where is the Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor in relation to the other teeth?
    - closest to the midline
    - distal to the first incisors and mesial to the lateral incisors
    - right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor

    How to chart Maxillary First Permanent Right Incisor?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 1_|
    FDI system: 11_|
    Universal system: 8_|