Cards (29)

  • Mandibular Third Permanent Molars

    describe the Mandibular Third Permanent Molars
    - they look similar to the second molars but smaller
    - they have 4 cusps
    - they have 2 roots (one mesial and one distal) which tend to curve distally- they can fuse together
    - the occlusal surface is oblong in shape
    - there are different variations
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molars

    How many roots does the tooth have?
    2 roots; one mesial and one distal

    - the mesial root is under the 2 mesial cusps
    - the distal root is under the 2 distal cusps
    - the roots bend distally and they are closer together than the first molar roots
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molars

    describe the occlusal surface of the Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molar
    - cruciate fissure pattern from mesial to distal and buccal to lingual
    - tooth is wider mesially than distally due to larger mesial cusps
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molars

    describe the lingual (facing tongue) surface of the Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molar

    - lingual cusps are taller than buccal
    - lingual cusps are sharp
    - lingual cusps overhang roots and allow space for the tongue
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molars

    describe the buccal (facing cheek) surface of the Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molar
    - bulbous buccal cusps
    - buccal cusps have lingual inclination
    - one developmental groove
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molars

    how many cusps does the tooth have?
    4 cusps; 2 buccal and 2 lingual

    - mesial cusps are larger and taller than distal
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molars

    Where is the Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molar in relation to the other teeth?
    - 7th closest to the midline
    - has the first molars to the mesial side
    - has the 3rd molars (wisdom teeth) on the distal side if there are present- they are missing in 25% of people
    - right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molars

    How to chart Mandibular Second Permanent Right Molar?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 7_|
    FDI system: 47_|
    Universal system: 31_|
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Molars

    How many roots does the tooth have?
    2 roots; 1 mesial and 1 distal
    - the mesial root is the longer root and it curves distally
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Molars

    describe the occlusal surface of the Mandibular First Permanent Right Molar
    - rectangular shape occlusion
    - mesio-distal length is longer than the bucco-lingual width
    - Dryopithecus fissure pattern
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Molars

    describe the lingual (facing tongue) surface of the Mandibular First Permanent Right Molar

    - the 2 lingual cusps are the disto-lingual cusp and the mesio-lingual cusp
    - mesiolingual cusp is taller than the distolingual
    - the cusps are pointed and upright: they overhang the root making space for the tongue
    - there is one developmental groove
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Molars

    describe the buccal (facing cheek) surface of the Mandibular First Permanent Right Molar

    - buccal cusps incline towards the lingual
    - there are 2 buccal grooves
    - the 3 buccal cusps are the disto-buccal cusp (smallest), the centro-buccal cusp, and the mesio-buccal cusp
    - the tips of the cusps are rounded and incline lingually
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Molars

    how many cusps does the tooth have?
    5 cusps; 3 buccal and 2 lingual
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Molars

    Where is the Mandibular First Permanent Right Molar in relation to the other teeth?
    - 6th closest to the midline
    - has the second premolars to its mesial side
    - has the second molars to its distal side
    - right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Mandibular First Permanent Right Molars

    How to chart Mandibular First Permanent Right Molar?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 6_|
    FDI system: 46_|
    Universal system: 30_|
  • Maxillary Third Permanent Molars

    describe the Maxillary Third Permanent Molars
    - they are the smallest of the maxillary molars
    - they look similar to the second molars but their distopalatal cusp is reduced in size, they have 3 short roots fused together and their occlusal is triangular in shape
    - they have different variations
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Molar

    compare the first and second maxillary molars
    in the second molars:
    - roots are closer together
    - crown is smaller
    - the disto-palatal cusp is smaller in size
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Molar

    How many roots does the tooth have?
    3 roots; 2 buccal and 1 palatal

    - the buccal roots are similar in lengths and bend distally
    - roots are closer together than in the first molar
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Molar

    describe the occlusal surface of the Maxillary Second Permanent Right Molar
    - rhomboid shape
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Molar

    how many cusps does the tooth have?
    4 cusps- 2 buccal and 2 palatal

    - no cusp of carabelli
    - the palatal cusps are curved
    - mesiopalatal cusp is larger and taller than the distopalatal cusp
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Molar

    Where is the Maxillary Second Permanent Right Molar in relation to the other teeth?
    - 7th tooth from the midline
    - has the First molar on the mesial side
    - has the 3rd molars (wisdom teeth) on the distal side if there are present- they are missing in 25% of people
    - right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Maxillary Second Permanent Right Molar

    How to chart Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 7_|
    FDI system: 17_|
    Universal system: 2_|
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar

    How many roots does the tooth have?
    3 roots- 2 buccal and 1 palatal

    - the buccal root is found directly below the buccal cusps and bends towards the distal
    - the palatal root is the longest and it it found under the mesiopalatal cusp
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar

    describe the occlusal surface of the Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar
    - rhombus with cusps at each corner
    - mesial and distal fossa
    - mesiopalatal cusp is 2/3rds the size of the distopalatal cusp
    - there is a H shape fissure pattern
    - oblique ridge runs from mesiopalatal to distobuccal
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar

    describe the buccal (facing cheek) surface of the Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar
    there is a developmental groove that divides the mesial and distal buccal cusps from eachother
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar

    where is the cusp of carabelli found?
    on the mesiopalatal cusp

    - it is only present for approximately 70% of people
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar

    how many cusps does the tooth have?
    4 cusps (2 buccal and 2 palatal) and the cusp of carabelli

    - the palatal cusps are more curved than the buccal
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar

    Where is the Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar in relation to the other teeth?
    - 6th closest to the midline
    - has the second premolars to the mesial
    - has the second molars to the distal
    -right and left hand side of dental arch
  • Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar

    How to chart Maxillary First Permanent Right Molar?
    zsigmondy system/palmer notation: 6_|
    FDI system: 16_|
    Universal system: 3_|