what are the main changes and patterns in dental caries levels?
-A dramatic decline in the prevalence (proportion of a particular population found to be affected by a medical condition at a specific time) and severity of dental
- Levels in most industrialised countries around 1.0 to 1.5 at
-Lower caries incidence in children and adolescents.
- More common among the least affluent ( rich) , least educated.
-In England, more common among Asian children - mainly due to diet
-Most people have no or low caries cavities and a small
percent have higher levels.
-Most lesions (injury/damage) are now pit and fissure lesions, smooth surfaces relatively infrequently affected.
Progression of early lesions are less frequent and much
The lesions are smaller, and cavitation occurs at a later stage
-Most caries now occur in adults instead of in children
- we have an aging population and roots caries have become more common.