MALWARE (software designed to cause harm or damage to a computer)
viruses: Programs embedded (hidden) within other files. They replicate themselves and become part of other programs. Viruses often cause damage by deleting or modifying data.
worm: Programs similar to viruses except that they are not hidden within other files. Worms often spread through emails.
trojans: Programs which pretend to be legitimate but in reality are malware. They are often disguised as email attachments. Trojans cannot spread by themselves - instead they deceive a user into installing the program.
SOCIAL ENGINEERING (manipulate people into giving up their personal information)
phishing: sending emails or text messages (SMs) claiming or appearing to be from a bank/ e-commerce site asking for personal details.
vishing: phone calls
human error: ignore rules, or accidentally or deliberately break them
blagging: inventing a scenario to persuade a victim to give out information
brute force: program to find a password by trying all possible combinations of characters until correct one
denial of service (DoS): computer used to prevent a server from performing its tasks by bombarding the server with requests and the server is tied up trying to handle all the DOS requests - difficult for it to respond to legitimate requests.
data interception & theft: shouldering, gaining access of a computer (irl) and man in the middle attack (communications between two parties is intercepted)
SQL injection: inputted as data, which can cause errors or unintended operations.
penetration testing is the process of testing a system to see if it can be penetrated by an attacker
external: position of hacker targeting email servers, web servers, firewalls to see if a hacker can get in and how far and what they can do
internal: position of user to see how much damage it could cause
anti-malware: detects, prevents, removes malware on a system eg harmful programs, important files eg OS from being changed / detected, viruses (regular updates)
firewall: application preventing unauthorised connections to & from Internet / private network (eg access from where, type of traffic, web site addresses) / accessing suspicious sites (acting as proxy server)