Tariffs is one type of barrier to international trade. Tariff is a tax on imported goods. The purpose of tariffs is to protect domestic industries from foreign competition by making imports more expensive than domestically produced products.
Trade Barriers are the obstacles that prevent free trade between countries.
Subsidies are government payments made directly to businesses or individuals to encourage them to engage in specific economic activities. Subsidies can take many forms, including cash grants, low-interest loans, tax breaks, and price supports.
Quota is another form of protectionism that limits the amount of a good or service that can be imported into a country during a given period of time. Quotas are often used as an alternative to tariffs when countries want to limit imports without raising prices through taxes.
Trade Balance & Negative Balance of Trade
Difference b/w Value of Export & Value of Import
aka trade deficit
VoE less then VoI within 1year
Reasons for NBOT
Less Export
Import Expensive+Ban on Export
Tough International Competition
Limited Trade Agreements
High local consumption rate
Compromise on Quality
DisAdv of Trade Deficit(imports exceeds the value of its exports)
Lack of Funds+Revenue
Slow Economic Growth
underdeveloped social sector eg health & education
Factors that affect international trade
Trade Barriers eg tariff
Relief & Climate
Human & Eco factors ( transportation+industrial setup+foreign relation)
Trading Blocs - A group of countries that have agreed to trade with each other. eg EU ( Germany+France)
Tariff Removed
Relaxed Visa Policy
One currency trade (euro)
Trade Relations Improve
Technology Transfer
Purpose of WTO: To promote free trade and reduce trade barriers between countries.
Q-How Pak can increase its export with trading blocs such as EU?
Value Added Goods
Quality Maintained
No Child Labour
No Damage to Environment
Good Transport System-to maintain supply of goods
Increasing Range of Export Goods
Gross Domestic Product:Total Value of goods & services with country in one year.
Gross National Product:Total Value of services within the country and outside country contributed by citizens.
GDP: Eco Indicator
GNP:Total Income of Country
Role of EPZ’s in increasing National Income
High Value Goods-expensive export+more income
Private Investors-set up plants so pay tax to govt