Gas exchange in animals

Cards (7)

  • The ventilation process

    1. diaphragm muscle contracts and flattens
    2. (external) intercostal muscles contract moving the rib cage upwards and outwards = increase in volume of thorax.
    1. Outer pleural membrane attached to the rib cage moves up and out - increasing volume and decreasing pressure in the pleural space
    2. inner pleural membrane on the surface of the lung in pulled upwards and outwards - increasing volume and decreasing pressure in alveoli
    3. air rushes in and the alveoli inflate
  • Why do all living animals do gas exchange?
    • O2 is need for aerobic respiration
    • Produces ATP
    • ATP is universal energy currency
  • Gas exchange in insects
    • called the tracheal system
    • consists of pairs of spiracles located on the body surface
    • fine hairs keep foreign particles out
    • valves open and close the spiracles to prevent water loss
    • spiracles open into long tubes called tracheae that link to air sacks
    • tracheae have cuticular thickenings around the tube the gives support and prevents them from collapsing during inspiration
  • ventilation mechanics in insects
    • Insects can create a one-way airflow through major tracheae
    • Air flows in through the thoracic spiracles
    • Air flows out through the remaining abdominal spiracles
    • The air is moved by contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the abdomen which changes its size and pressure
  • Ventilation in fish
    • The mouth opens
    • The operculum gill cover closes
    • The floor of the mouth cavity lowers - increasing volume and decreasing pressure
    • water is pulled in
    • The mouth closes
    • the floor of the mouth cavity is raised - decreasing volume and increasing pressure
    • water flows across the gills and is forced out through the operculum gill cover
  • Counter Current flow
    • water and blood flow in opposite directions along the gill plate
    • blood is always meeting water with a slightly higher % oxygen saturation
    • This means that there is a diffusion gradient maintained across the whole gill plate
    • blood leaves about 95% saturation with oxygen
    • therefore it is a more efficient system
  • parallel flow
    • water and blood flow in the same direction
    • at the start of the gill plate, there is a steep concentration gradient between the water and blood - so oxygen diffuses into the blood
    • however halfway across the the gill plate the % saturation of oxygen in the blood and water reach equilibrium
    • this means the blood leaving the gill is about 50% oxygen saturation so it is less efficient