15 Minute Walk and Run: To measure cardiorespiratoryendurance
15 - minuteWalk and Run: Upon signal, performer can run or walk as manyh laps as possible within 15 minutes. Score the numberof meters completed
StepTest: To measure physical fitness for muscular work and the ability to recover from work.
Step Test: Procedure, stand before the bench on the given signal. To begin onto the bench with one foot, count one: then with the other, count two. Step down with one foot, then the other.
Step test:
96 steps in one minute for boys
88 steps in one minute for girls
Continue up to three minutes or up as the performer stops due to exhaustion. Count the pulse beat for 90 seconds.
Shuttle Run ( Speed and change of direction ). Shuttle run tests your agility, that is, speed and change of direction.
You need two blocks of wood ( 2 x 2 x 4 inches ) and a stopwatch. Mark on the floor two parallel lines thirty ( 30 ) feet apart.
StorkStand: a Static Balance Test
StorkStand : Stand on the foot with your dominant leg . Place the toes of your non- dominant leg against the kneww of the dominant leg and place your hands on hips. Upon command, raise the heel of the dominant foot from the floor and attempt to maintain balance as long as possible without removing the hands from the hips and without the heel touching the floor or the ball of the foot moving from its original position. The best time of three attempts is recorded in seconds.