Y8 morality key terms

Cards (10)

  • Morality is a set of rules/guidlines stating what is right and wrong, in terms of behaviour, attitudes, actions, etc.
  • absolute morality is when you always follow the same moral rules, regardless of the situation
  • relative morality is deciding what is good, based on the situation, not on fixed rules
  • omnibenevolent means all loving
  • omnipotent means all powerful
  • deeontological is a type of ethics which is based on following rules, duty
  • teleological is a type of ethics which is based on analysing the moral outcomes of your activities
  • divine command theory is an ethical theory in which religious rules cannot be brocken and must always be followed
  • utilitarianism is an ethical theory which states that the greatest good for the greatest number is considered right
  • situation ethics is an ethical theory which states that a person should do the most loving thing when solving moral problems