Cards (40)

  • evolution produces biodiversity and adaptations to survive in different environments
  • charles Darwin's theories in five parts:
    1. perpetual change (the fossil record)
    2. descent with modification (common descent)
    3. multiplication of species
    4. gradualism (slow change)
    5. natural selection
  • archaeopteryx is a fossil bird from jurassic period with bird features and reptilian features
  • speciation begins as populations are isolated from each other, and their allele for frequencies diverge
  • reproductive isolation usually arise as a by-product of geographic separation
  • natural selection is the cause of adaptation
  • natural selection is unequal reproduction leads to favorable traits increasing frequency
  • Homologies are hierarchically arranged (close relatives share many traits, distant relatives share fewer traits)
  • ecdysozoa are periodically molted cuticle
  • homologies could be used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships
  • Taxonomy and Phylogeny is the descent with modification and extinction lead to discrete taxa
  • Phylogeny is the "tree of life" depicting evolutionary relationships at any taxonomic level (or all of life)
  • Carolus Linnaeus (father of taxonomy) developed a binomial system and a hierarchical ranking scheme
  • The species is the fundamental taxonomic unit (leaves on the tree of life)
  • Animal architecture?
    -body symmetry
    -number of cell layers
  • most animals are coelomates (possess a coelom)
  • acoelomates don't have a coelom (flatworms)
  • Early animal development have a vegetal (nutritive organs, digestive system) and animal (everything else) poles
  • as cells divide, a blastocoel may form (hollow ball of cells)
  • As cells divide, a blastocoel may form and an embryo may develop into gastrula causing gastrulation (investigation)
  • radial cleavage include chordates, echinodermata, and cnidaria
  • spiral cleave includes mollusks, annelids, and arthropods
  • in some animals(ex. mollusks and annelids), all mesoderm descendants from the 4d micromere
  • coelom forms via schizocoely: mesodermal mass hallows out(splits)
  • coelom also forms via enterocoely: formation via mesoderm outpocketing from the embryonic gut
  • some traits go together like spiral determinate cleavage with protostomy and schizocoely
  • some traits go together like radial indeterminate cleavage with deuterostome and enterocoely
  • spongocytes/sclerocytes
    • secrete collagens (spongin)/spicules
    • amoeboid cells
  • amoeboid cells called archaeocytes: can differentiate into other cell types (including eggs)
  • for sponges, choanocytes pump water through in order to grab food
  • sponges can reproduce by sexual reproduction, most are hermaphroditic (monoecious: both male and female (can alternate))
  • A synapomorphy that cnidarians contains cnidae (stinging organelles)
  • Cnidarians do NOT have a coelom, due to not having a mesoderm layer
  • polyps are found in the benthos and are sessile. They also often clone
  • ramets means body, and genets means a specific gene (genotype)
  • medusae are mainly pelagic "jellyfish", which reproduce sexaully
  • cnidae are intracellular organelles used for feeding or defense
  • the main type of cnida is called a nematocyst (contains toxins;typically neurotoxins)
  • scyphozoa are most jellies
  • scyphozoa planula may develop into a benthic polyp stage called a scyphistoma