SOAP Note Components

Cards (57)

  • Where does subjective data collection come from
    Patient, patient family/ caregiver, Medical Chart, Other Health Care Providers
  • Health Condition includes
    Medical diagnosis, physical therapy diagnosis, loss of function, and new test results
  • Subjective answers the question of

    What does the patient have to say?
  • Subjective documents
    Patient reaction to interventions provided, new problems or complaints, and pertinent info not previously documented
  • Subjective Contains
    Patient status, informed consent, direct quotes, patient's reaction, new problems or new complaint, pertinent info not previously documented
  • Patient Status Includes
    Pain rating and description, patient's perception of symptoms, patient's functional abilities, statement that demonstrates cognitive or emotional status, comments related to goal/ outcome
  • Informed consent Elements
    Inform patient of care to be provided
  • Patient Reaction to Provided Interventions Include
    Behavior of patients pain since last intervention, comments to demonstrate intervention effectiveness, did the pain change, did it improve, get worse, or no change with intervention
  • New Complaints Include
    New pain complaints, any new problems with functional activities
  • New information includes
    Medical history, environment (lifestyle, home situation, work, school, etc)
  • Structure for Subjective
    Infrequent need for subheadings, group similar info together, when documenting a lot of info may use subheadings, eval as guide to use subheadings
  • Subheadings of Subjective
    Current condition, patient complaint, living environment, functional status/ activity level, medical/ surgical history, social history, employment status
  • Subjective use verbs like
    States, reports, complains of, denies, describes, etc
  • Objective answers the question

    What is going on with the physical therapy intervention? How is the patient responding to the intervention?
  • Objective includes
    Patient readiness to participate, interventions provided, and patient's response to PT intervention provided
  • Objective Structure Goal
    Easily find info, provide logical flow of info
  • Documenting Interventions includes
    What intervention was provided, amount, equipment used, parameters, specific treatment area, postitioning, duration, frequency, and rest breaks, anything different from standard practice, time per intervention, total treatment time
  • Document Communication with
    supervising PT, health care practitioners, administrator/ case manager, phone conversions
  • Document Patient related instruction
    Instruction HEP, Precautions/ restricted activity, education of disease, education of PT procedures, family/ caregiver instruction
  • For Physical Agents used document
    Patient position, specific area treated, exact settings used, duration of treatment
  • For Fuctional Training document
    Specific activity and assistive/ adaptive devices used
  • For Wound Care Document
    Isolation or sterile technique followed and any PPE used, type and amount of dressing, precautions for dressing removal
  • Manual Therpay Techniques Document
    Side, joint, and motion, number of reps and time, type of massage, technique performed
  • Functional Training Includes
    Balance training, gait, locomotion, transfer training, posture training
  • Therapeutic Exercise Document
    Specific activity/ exercise performed, equipment used, patient position, reps, time spent
  • Documenting of data collection
    What was measured, what device was used, patient position
  • Heart Rate Documentation
    Location, quality, rate
  • Respiratory Rate Documentation
    Rate, rhythm, depth, regularity of pattern
  • Blood pressure Documentation
    Location; side, systolic over diastolic, indicate when taken
  • Vital Signs Documentation
    When taken, patient position; Include HR, BP, RR, O2 Sat
  • Quantitative Anthropometric measurements include
    Height, weight, length, girth, BMI
  • Muscle Strength Documentation
    Range, what measured, arrange logically
  • Muscle Performance Documentation
    Describe abnormal mass, changes in tone, compensatory mechanics
  • Pain Documentation
    Non verbal pain response (objective) verbal description (subjective)
  • ROM Documentation
    Range, specific joint, arrange logically, use tables/ columns for bilateral, any deviation from standard position
  • Functional Outcome Measures Documentation
    Record measurements per the standard of the test being used
  • Assistive/ Prosthetic Devices Documentation
    Specify device used, ability to care for device, patient's ability to don and doff device, skin condition related to use of device, safety risk
  • Gait, locomotion, and balance documentation
    Indicate Activity, any assistive device, type of surface, distance traveled, amount and type of assistance provided, number of people providing assistance, amount and types of cues, gait pattern, gait deviation, weight bearing status
  • Self-Care and Home Management Documentation
    Measurements of physical environments, safety concerns or barriers in home, community and work
  • Arousal, mentation, and cognition Documentation
    Changes in patient's state of arousal, mentation, and cognition