case studies

Cards (8)

  • Case studies involve sociologists investigating a particular individual or group in great detail
  • Case studies may include:
    • Methological pluralism: using a range of research methods to achieve triangulation
    • Longitudinal studies
  • Types of case studies:
    • Critical: focusing on a specific event
    • Cumulative: where others can pull together information
    • Exploratory: serving as a pilot study
    • Illustrative: shedding light on a situation
  • Modes, rockers + moral codes:
    • Cohen conducted research into one group of young people
  • Maguire (2000) and Bulgeler became good friends
  • Heelas + Woodhead (2005) studied spiralituaray and religion in the Lake District, Kendale, noting a decline in traditional Christianity
  • Advantages of case studies:
    • Provide a more detailed picture, increasing validity
    • Questionnaires and interviews can be based on case studies, increasing validity
    • Can question the findings of another larger research
    • Can give insight into another research
  • Disadvantages of case studies:
    • One-off studies are not generalizable
    • One-off studies could be unethical
    • One-off studies are not replicable
    • Limited and unrepresentative due to small sample size