big idea 4

Cards (26)

  • A computing device is a physical artifact that can run a program.The device must be able to take inputs, process the inputs, and then calculate results based on those inputs.
  • The bandwidth of a computer network is the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time.
  • A path between two computing devices on a computer network (a sender and receiver) is a sequence of directly connected computing devices that begins at the sender and ends at the receiver.
  • Routing is the process of finding a path from sender to receiver.
  • Tlıe İnternet is a physical network of fiber optics, radio transmitters, andcabling. Devices and networks that make up the İnternet are connectedand communicate using standardized, open communication protocols.
  • A protocol is an agreed-upon set of rules that specify the behavior of a system. These İnternet protocols, including those for addresses and names,have evolved to allow for the İnternet to be scalable.
  • The scalability of a system is the capacity for the system to change in size and scale to meet new demands.
  • If the path from sender to receiver is broken, the path will be rerouted. This fault-tolerant nature of the İnternet makes connections between computing devices more reliable.
  • Internet protocol (IP) is responsible for addressing and routing youronline requests. For a device to connect to the internet, it is first assigned an İnternet protocol address.
  • Currently, we are switching between the fourth and sixth versions of the Internet protocol. The fourth version (IPv4) uses 32 bits to store IP addresses. The newer version, IPv6, uses 128 bits to store addresses
  • Transmission control protocol (TCP) is a protocol that defines how computers send packets of data to each other
  • . Data traveling in the İnternet isbroken down into small chunks of <lata called packets. TCP protocols guidethe rules on how <lata are subdivided into packets before transmission.
  • User datagram protocol (UDP) is a protocol that allows computer applications to send messages without checking for missing packets to save ontime needed to retransmit rnissing packets. UDP is not as reliable as TCP,which does resend packets lost when transmitting.6
  • Redundancy is the inclusion of extra paths that canmitigate the failure ofa system if other components fail
  • The internet has beenı engineered to be fault tolerant. If a system fails,a different patlı can be chosen between the sending computer and thereceiving computer.
  • When a system can support failures and continue to function, it is called fault tolerant.
  • If a packet is not received, the TCP protocol will request the sender to resend the missing packet. The iP addresses of both the sender and receiver are found in the header of the packet. When all packets are received, the packets are put together using the packet numbers found in the header to form the original binary message
  • The internet refers to the hardware. It is made up of the computers, cables,routers, and many more components that make up the entire network. itis a global decentralized network connecting millions of computers.
  • The World Wide Web, in contrast, refers to the software used on the İnternet. HTTP is a protocol used by the World Wide Web to transmit data. The internet allows access to the World Wide Web, which is a system of linked pages, programs, and files.
  • In sequential computing ,a problem is broken into discrete instructions.These instructions are executed one by one by a single computing device having a single central processing unit (CPU).A sequential computing solution takes as long as the sum of all its steps.
  • In parallel computing ,a problem is broken into discrete instructions.These instructions are executed concurrently by using multiple CPUs. A parallel computing solution takes as long as the longest of the tasks done in parallel.
  • Parallel computing can consist ofa parallel portion and a sequential portion. A parallel computing solution takes as long as its sequential tasks plus the longest of its parallel tasks. Most modern computers are parallel in architecture with multiple processors
  • Speedup = (sequential run time)/(parallel run time)
  • Parallel computing uses a single computer with multiple processors.Distributed computing uses multiple computing devices to process thosetasks.
  • Multiple processors can operate independently but share the samememory resources.
  • execute :programı çalıştırmak