Particles and Quantum

Cards (24)

  • Leptons are fundamental particles and include the electron, muon (a heavy electron), and neutrino (no charge)
  • Leptons have an electron number of one, while their antiparticle equivalents have an electron number of minus one
  • Neutrinos can be specifically electron neutrinos or muon neutrinos
  • Hadrons are split into Barons (made of three quarks) and mesons (made of two quarks, a quark-antiquark pair)
  • The three flavors of quark are up, down, and strange
  • Up quarks have a charge of plus 2/3, down and strange quarks have a charge of minus 1/3
  • Strange quarks have strangeness minus one, antistrange quarks have strangeness plus one
  • Barons have a baron number of plus a third, which can be one or minus one if antiquarks are present
  • Neutrons are up-down-down, protons are up-up-down
  • Mesons that don't have strangeness are pions, while mesons with strangeness are kaons
  • The electromagnetic force can affect any charged particle, with the exchange particle being the photon
  • The weak force can affect any particle, with the exchange particles being the W+, W-, or Z0 boson
  • The strong nuclear force only affects hadrons, with the exchange particle being the pion or gluon
  • The strong force holds nuclei together
  • In any interaction, charge, baryon number, and lepton numbers must be conserved
  • Radiation includes particles or waves emitted by something
  • Gamma radiation is emitted by the nucleus of an atom and can ionize atoms
  • Alpha radiation involves the emission of an alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons) during decay
  • Beta decay involves a neutron turning into a proton and an electron, with the emission of a beta particle (fast-moving electron)
  • Pair production occurs when a photon converts into two particles if it has enough energy
  • Particles have wave-particle duality, demonstrated by electron diffraction
  • The wavelength of a particle is given by the de Broglie wavelength equation: Lambda = h / p
  • Intensity varies with distance from the center in diffraction patterns
  • Kinetic energy can be converted into momentum using the equation: KE = 0.5 * p^2