Walking Away

Cards (7)

  • like a satellite wrenched from its orbit
    • simile
    • space imagery
    • unnatural, not being centre to the child
    • "wrenched" - aggressive, sudden
  • it is eighteen years ago, almost to the day
    • reflecting upon a memory (in the past. MAD is set in the present)
  • with the pathos of a half-fledged thing set free into a wilderness
    • bird imagery
    • "half-fledged" not quite ready to leave yet, unprepared. dangerous
    • "pathos" evokes pity + sadness
  • that hesitant figure, eddying away
    like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem
    • simile
    • memory of child gaining independence
    • seed needs to separate from parent - natural
    • "loosened" - gentle, contrasts "wrenched"
  • Summary: A father reflects on a memory 18 years prior when his child played his first game of football. He realised that his son is starting to grow up
  • Walking Away - Concepts:
    • parent experiences fear and apprehension about becoming less important + giving child more freedom [less safety]
    • growing up is different for parents and children. parents find it painful whilst children enjoy it
    • growing up is inevitable so we must accept it
    • love is not just physical - the memory proves a strong bond between them
  • gnaws at my mind still
    • 18 years later the father is still thinking about it - memory has a lasting effect
    • use as a quote to back up argument