plosive + sibilant sounds, readers spits the words out, may hint at the impact of war is useless and not worthy of a main feature in a newspaper
a ... agonies in ... and white '
hundred, black
emotive metaphor, describes the photos confirms and solidifying the suffering they show
a stranger's ... faintly start to twist ... his eyes, a half ... ghost '
features, before, formed
metaphor, focusing on one photo makes it personal and emphasises the real suffering of war but suggests his body has been mutilated, photograph is developing
quotes: ' something is ... . '
Volta (turning point) short simple sentence switches to personal cost of war, remembers a specific death
quotes: ' running ... in ... heat. '
children, nightmare
reference to Vietnam war, tragedy of war
quotes: ' rural england . '
soft sounds contrast with place names in stanza one as they all experienced war
quotes: ' he has a job to do. '
short simple sentence, monosyllabic words, he has to put his emotions aside like other soldiers
quotes: ' from the ... he stares impassively at where he earns his living and they do ... care. '
aeroplane, not
returns to war zone, cyclical, sense of futile repetition of past mistakes, work of the photographer hasn't changed anything -> ambiguous refers to anyone and they don't care about suffering
impassively: not showing or feeling emotion
quotes: ' tears' 'beers'
internal rhyme, tears are replaced with beers, short duration of pain
quotes: ' the readers ... prick with tears '
metaphor suggests that their thoughts/ tears are metaphorical/ inhuman, not truly affected by photos, only physical response or tears and don't have a genuine response
quotes: ' Belfast. Beirut. Phnom. Penh. '
plosive sounds - breaks soft mood like gunfire, names places where wars have happened + mini short plosive sounds
quotes: ' only ... is red and softly ... as though this were a ... and he is a priest preparing to ... a mass. '
light, glows, church, intone
simile, seriousness of his work, solemn act almost like a funeral mass (graveyard) parallel - priest and war photographer both exposed to pain, death + suffering, -> ironic could begin to question God
quotes: ' spools of ... in ordered rows. '
reels of soldiers are described like soldiers or rows of war graves (metaphor) - (paradox) chaos + suffering are reduced to something ordered physical reminder of suffering
quotes: ' all flesh is ... .'
bible reference 40:6 human life is temporary
quotes: ' blood ... into foreign dust. '
'Stained' lasting trauma of war and soldiers due to unnamed in wars so therefore are forgotten
quotes: ' his ... which did not tremble then '
irony as he did not feel the horror of war (calm in the face of horror) but now they affect him
quotes: ' ... he is finally alone'
hints at subject matter of photographs, his purpose is dark, juxtaposes the isolation he feels vs chaos of war
language, structure, form
religious bibical references
emotive metaphors
plosives (B and P)
4 stanzas equal length
internal rhyme scheme
enjambment - gradual reveal of photograph as it develops
focus on actions + thoughts -> change is specific to death -> how work is perceived
theme: individual experiences
-bayonet charge
theme: anger
-checking out me history
theme: memory
-my last duchess
theme: reality of conflict
-charge of the light brigade
-bayonet charge
theme: effect of conflict
-charge of the light brigade
-bayonet charge
-effects of conflict
-reality of conflict
-individual experiences
context of war photographer?
Scottish poet, in 2009 became first woman to hold poet laureate, wp published in 1985, conversations with 2 war photographers, horrors of war, people treated as abstract images, Vietnam war photo