Storm on the Island

Cards (10)

  • 'we are prepared'
    'we' shows a false sense of unity
    Links to political unrest as they are 'prepared' for it
  • 'never troubled us'

    Directly links to The Troubles
  • In 1966 the government building of Northern Ireland in Belfast was called Stormont which coincides with the first 8 letters of the poem
  • 'Forgetting that it pummels your house too'

    Nature of civil war
    No one comes away unscathed
  • 'No trees, no natural shelter'

    Nature cannot always protect people
  • 'spits like a tame cat turned savage'
    The sudden change of the 'tame cat' shows the savagery of war
  • 'Exploding comfortably'
    Oxymoronic phrase
    At the time of writing Ireland was not a comfortable place to live due to the political unrest
  • 'bombarded by the empty air'

    Shows the relentless conflict
    Attacked by seemingly nothing
  • 'huge nothing that we fear'
    Conflict has been vastly normalized
    No change has happened as a result of the conflict
    Perhaps fighting over nothing
    Futility of conflict
  • 'sit tight while wind dives'

    Innocent bystanders waiting for the conflict to just be over