Estrus is the period when cows are receptive to mating.
Integument: a tough outer protective layer, especially that of an animal or plant
Integument Consists of:
Integument Function
Physical protection
Prevention of dehydration
Body temperature regulation
Sensory information via cutaneous receptors
Metabolic actions
Excretion of wastes
Skin lasrgest organ of thebody
Skin is made up of three layers:
Subcutaneous layer
Epidermis-the outermost, or most superficial
layer of skin.
-Sometimes called the avascular layer.
Epidermis 5 layers (from inner to outer):
Stratum basale
Stratum spinosum
Stratum granulosum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum corneum
Stratum comeum consists of many layers of keratinized Dead cells that are flattened and nonnucleated; comified
Stratum lucidum thin clear later found only in the epidermis of the lips, palm and soles.
Stratum granulosum composed of one or more layer of granular cells fibers of keratin and shriveled nuclei
Stratum spinosum composed of several layers of cell with centrally located, large, oval nuclei, and spinelike processes; limited mitosis
Stratum basale consist of a single layer of cuboidal cell in contact with a basement membrane that undergo mitosis; containspigment producing melanocytes
Dermis - the layer directly deep to the
Also called the corium.
Layer where blood vessels start to be found after incision.
Hypodermis- Located deep to or under the dermis
Composed primarily of adipose tissue.
There are fewer blood vessels in the fatty layer beneath the skin than the muscle tissue.
Hypodermis - Having fewer blood vessels means that
medication injected subcutaneously is
absorbed more slowly.
This makes it an ideal way to administer
medications that the body must use
slowly over time.
Associated Structures of hypodermis
Hair, fur, wool, feathers
Beaks, bills
Claws, hooves, nails
Sebaceous glands
Furnish an oily secretion for lubricationof the skin.
They produce sebum which consists of fatty substance and cell debris.
Apart from the palms and soles,
sebaceous glands are found
throughout the skin of the body.
Sweat glands
Also called sudoriferous glands.
Secrete a watery fluid containing various salts and waste products of metabolism.
Hidrosis is the production and excretion of sweat.
Anhidrosis is the abnormal reduction of sweating
Hyperhidrosis is the excessive sweating.
Hair - Covers almost the entire surface of the body of most domestic animals.
Whiskers, mane, switch.
Mohair and Cashmere - goats
Wool - sheep
Feather Body covering of avian species.
There are two basic types of feather: vaned feathers which cover the exterior of the body, and down feathers which are underneath the vaned feathers.
Beak - Projecting mouthpart of the
chicken, guineafowl, quail, turkeys, and etc.
Bill - Projecting mouthpart of waterfowls like duck and goose.
Wattle - Fleshy appendage hanging from the neck of bird
Horn - Epidermal derivatives bound together into solid mass by keratin.
Formed over the horn process, or os
Claw/Hoof Horny covering of the distal end of the digit.
Claw - a curved pointed horny nail on
each digit of the foot in birds, lizards, and
some mammals.
Hoof - the horny part of the foot of an
ungulate animal.
Skeletal System
Storage of minerals
Blood cell production
Long bones
Short Bones - these bones provide stability and support to