
Cards (24)

  • german expressionism
    emphasized the artist's inner feelings or ideas over replicating reality
  • german expressionism techniques 

    long shadows, gothic make up and costume
  • anti heroic characters, having villians be the centre of the story.
  • what is subjective filmmaking
    a film or scene that emulates a personal point of view
  • name 3 ways emotions are expressed in spies
    unchained camera, subjective view
    dark and sinister urban words
    heavy use of mirrors, glass and relfection
  • Fritz Lang
    Austrian-German filmmaker and screenwriter, one of the most influential directors in film history
  • Silent Film
    Film without synchronized recorded sound, relying on visual and intertitle elements
  • Thriller
    Genre of film combining suspense, excitement, and often horror or crime elements
  • Lilli
    The young woman at the center of the espionage and counter-espionage plot in Spione
  • Weimar Republic
    The historical era in which Spione was released, characterized by social and political change in Germany
  • German Expressionist cinema
    Distorted sets and extreme close-ups characterize this film movement
  • Portrayal of women
    Lang's progressive depiction of women in Spione, emphasizing agency and strength
  • Russian Constructivism
    Influence of Russian art and architecture on Spione's visual style
  • Visual metaphors
    Lang's use of symbolism to convey emotions and themes in Spione
  • Camera angles
    Lang's use of unconventional camera angles to create tension in Spione
  • Mise-en-scene
    Set design and production design's contribution to the film's overall atmosphere
  • Alfred Hitchcock
    Filmmaker influenced by Spione, incorporating similar visual elements and themes
  • Overhead shot
    A shot looking down on a character or object, making them appear vulnerable or insignificant
  • Low-angle shot
    A shot looking up at a character or object, making them appear powerful or dominant
  • Extreme Close-up
    A very tight shot, focusing on a character's face or object
  • what are the themes in spies?
  • name 3 key editing techniques used in spies
    cross dissolve
  • who said "Nothing should deter a man from his duty, not even a women"
    Dr M
  • when is expressionism used
    only in moments of extreme emotions