origins of psychology

Cards (11)

  • approach
    an approach is a way of explaining behaviour
  • Wundt
    the first person to call himself a psychologist
    moved psychology away from its philosophical rots to controlled research
    believed the human mind could be studied scientifically through experimental methods
  • structuralism
    Wundt aimed to study the structure of the human mind by breaking down behaviours into basic elements = know as structuralism
  • introspection
    from Latin ='looking into'
    the process by which a person gains knowledge about their own emotional or mental state
  • Wundt & introspection
    he claimed that mental processes such as memory and perception could be observed systematically through introspection
  • Wundt & science
    much of his work would be considered to be scientific (same stimulus used each time, same standardised instructions used...)
    -p's asked to describe the inner processes they were experiencing - making it possible to compare different p's reports - so can establish theories = leading to the emergence of psychology as a science
  • research using introspection
    Griffiths (1994) - aimed to investigate the thought process of people who gambled regularly vs those that didn't
    -proposed the thought process of gamblers would be more irrational
    -used process of introspection
    p's asked to 'think aloud' while playing a fruit machine by saying everything that went through their mind by talking continuously and told not to justify their thoughts
    =as expected gamblers did have more irrational thoughts
  • evaluation of methods - using self reports
    we have little knowledge of the causes and processes underlying our behaviour - means that introspective reports may not be accurate = invalid
    people are unaware of their own hidden attitude's and stereotypical thinking = self reports wouldn't give accurate information
    P's could lie due to social desirability bias
    = method may lack internal validity
  • evaluation of methods - inconsistent
    the experimental results from Wundt have not been reliably replicated by other researchers = method lacks reliability
  • evaluation of methods - unfalsifiable
    he is studying unobservable mental processes = theories are unfalsifiable - theories produced from using introspection cannot be proven to be false because its difficult to test the ideas scientifically - because its impossible to know what someones thinking
  • strength
    his work paved the way for later controlled research and was very influential in the emergence of psychology as a science