Cards (74)

  • Factor XIII
    Fibrin Stabilizing factor
  • Factor XII
    Hageman factor
  • Factor XI
    Plasma Thromboplastin Antecedent (PTA)
  • Factor X
    Stuart-Prower factor
  • Factor IX
    Christmas factor or Plasma Thromboplastin Component (PTC)
  • Factor VIII
    Antihemophilic factor (AHF)
  • Factor VII
    Stable Factor
  • Factor V
    Labile Factor
  • Factor IV
    Calcium Ions
  • Factor III
    Tissue Thromboplastin
  • Factor II
  • Factor I
  • ATP
    Dense granules
  • 1). Beta thromboglobulin
    2). Platelet factor 4
    3). FIbrinogen, Fibrionectin
    4). Factor V
    5). PDGF
    6). HMWK, Factor VIII: vWF
    7). Thrombospondin
    8). Plasminogen
    9). Alpha-1-antiplasmin
    10). C1 esterase inhibitor
    Alpha granules
  • Organelle zone
    Metabolic center—regulates metabolic activities—aids in platelet activation. Has mitochondria and storage granules. Granules are impt.
    dense granules- some

    Granules release their contents with platelet activation
    Activation—energy dependent process.

    Platelets are full of glycogen. When fully activated, involves oxidative phosphorylation—gets from mitochondria

    • when platelets are resting-don't use mitochondria—use glycolysis and oxidative Krebs cycle

    • when active—use oxidative phosphorylation—get a ton more energy
  • Thrombostenin (actomyosin)

    major contractile protein

    - composed of actin and myosin
    - 15% of total proteins in platelets
  • Microfilaments
    contractile process (changing of shape), 50nm
  • Microtubules
    contributes to thediscoid shapeof an inactivated platelet
  • Sol-gel zone

    stable gel component to regulate the arrangement of the internal organelles

    - microtubules
    - microfilaments
    - thrombostenin (actomyosin)
  • Submembrane Area
    prevent contact between organelles and cell membrane

    - sub membrane filaments
    - base for pseudopods
    - interact with contractile proteins
  • Open Canular System (OCS)

    akaconnected canalicular system

    - exchange of substance in and out of the platelet
  • Factor VIII (VIII:von williebrand factor:vWF)
    blood coagulation and platelet adhesion
  • Plasma membrane
    physical and chemical barrier between intra and extracellular environment

    - phospholipids, phosphatidylserine, phophatidylcholine, phosphatidyl inositol

    - Factor VIII
  • I, V, VIII, X, XI, XII, XIII
    Surface for adherance of coagulation factors
  • Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa, IIb, III, IV, & V
    contains glycoproteins required forplatelet adhesion and aggregation
  • Glycocalyx
    The external surface of a plasma membrane that is important for cell-to-cell communication

    thickness: 10 to 50um
  • Peripheral zone
    plasma membrane
    Open Canular System (OCS)
    Submembrane area
  • Platelet structure
    peripheral zone
    sol-gel zone
    organelle zone
  • None
    Nucleus of platelets
  • light blue to purple
    very granularCytoplasm of platelets
  • 1-4um
    size of platelets
  • Numerous aggregated granules
    Granules of Mature Megakaryocyte
  • 8 or more (up to 32)
    Nucleus of Mature Megakaryocyte
  • presence of coarse clumps of aggregated granules
    Cytoplasm of Mature Megakaryocyte
  • < 1:1
    N/C ratio of Mature Megakaryocyte
  • 40-120um
    Size of Mature Megakaryocyte
  • very fine
    , numerous granulesGranules of Granular Megakaryocyte
  • 4 or more; multi-lobed: small in comparison to cell size
    Nucleus of Granular Megakaryocyte
  • abundant,
    pinkish blueCytoplasm of Granular Megakaryocyte
  • 2:1
    N/C ratio of Granular Megakaryocyte