Cards (140)

  • MEGAKARYOPOIESIS: megakaryocyte production
  • THROMBOPOIESIS: platelet production
  • THROMBOPOIESIS: shedding of the cytoplasm of megakaryocyte to become platelets/ thrombocytes
  • MEGAKARYOBLAST (MK-I): Resemble myeloblast and pronormoblast
    • Cannot distinguish from one another (all do not have granules)
  • PROMEGAKARYOCYTE (MK-II): Cytoplasm is abundant, with minimal lobularity
  • PROMEGAKARYOCYTE (MK-II): Distinguishable with other cell, in terms of size
    • Nucleus is lobulated and basophilic (with granules)
    • Cytoplasm is granular and azurophilic (more bluish)
    • With demarcation system (DMS)
  • Demarcation system (DMS): Marks the boundary of the true cytoplasm from an extension cytoplasm
  • Requirement/condition for it to become a platelet: Megakaryocytes should have at least 4 nuclei to shed off platelets
  • METAMEGAKARYOCYTE: There is already a complete DMS where future platelets are derived from
  • Platelets are originated from megakaryocyte cytoplasm
  • Platelet shedding (Layman's term) = thrombopoiesis
  • Macrophage → divides cytoplasm into small pieces = PLATELETS
  • Platelet
    Size: 24 um (2.5 um)
  • Platelet
    Mean Platelet Volume (actual): 7 fL (810 fL)
    MPV (automation): 2-20 fL
  • Platelet
    Lifespan: 910 days (811 days)
  • Platelet
    Normal count: 150450x109/L (150400x109/L)
  • Women have higher platelet count (inborn)
  • Platelet count
    o   Men: 120350
    o   Women: 140379
  • Distribution:
    o   Normal sequestration in spleen: 1/3
  • Distribution:
    o   In circulation: 2/3
  • Not all are in circulation, otherwise = prothrombic
  • Thrombopoietin (TPO): Induces proliferation and production
  • Thrombopoietin (TPO): Has two targets: megakaryocyte (TPO stimulates BM to produce megakaryocyte) and platelet
  • IL-3, IL-6, IL-11: Are growth factors or cytokines that acts with TPO in order to do thrombopoiesis
  • IL-3, IL-6, IL-11: Induces platelet shedding
  • RESTING PLATELET: Normally biconvex
    For peripheral circulation
    • EDTA: rounder (1D)
    • Wright–stained smear: circular (2D) or irregular
    • MPV: 7 fL
    • Size: 2-4um
  • RESTING PLATELET: Flow smoothly in veins
  • It moves back and forth from venules to the white pulp (sequestration)
  • Sequestered platelet: Platelet circulating in the spleen
  • STRESS PLATELET: Markedly larger than normal platelet and irregular
  • STRESS PLATELET: Appears particularly in thrombocytopenia
  • STRESS PLATELET: High level of stress platelets = prone to cardiovascular disease
    • EDTA: rounder
    • Citrated blood: cylindrical or beaded appearance
    • MPV: 12-14 fL
    • Size: >6um
  • STRESS PLATELET: Carry ribosomes and fragments of rough endoplasmic reticulum (just like RBC)
  • STRESS PLATELET: Comes from rapid proplatelet extension and release
  • STRESS PLATELET: Prothrombic – aggressive in making clots