Social Cognition Part 2

Cards (46)

  • Deliberate thinking can produce undesirbale outcomes such as?
    Hindsight bias
    Counterfactual thinking
    Thought suppression
  • Overconfidence in our own ability to have foreseen an outcome, after it has happened. Which term is associated with this statement? *hint: helps create a sense of meaning
    Hindsight bias
  • Imagining alternative outcomes to what actually occurred is called? *hint: can help us avoid future problems, ame us feel better, and be counter productive after trauma.
    Counterfactual thinking
  • What occurs when you attempt to control your thoughts and NOT think about something in particular?
    Thought suppression
  • Health behavior, addiction, distraction during school/work and social awkwardness are examples for problems of what?
    Thought suppression
  • The process by which we try to detect other people’s temporary states and enduring dispositions or traits is called?
    Person perception
  • People’s temporary states: what are they ___ or ___ in that moment?
    thinking; feeling
  • ___ information carries more weight than ___ information when forming impressions.
    negative; positive
  • A way to tell if someone is lying: ___ is what a person expresses to others, traditional communication style.
    Expressions "Given"
  • A way to tell if someone is lying: ___ non-verbal leakage, that people accidentally reveal when lying.
    Expressions “Given off”
  • How do we know how others are feeling?
    Facial Expressions
    Other non-verbal communications
  • Who argued that the ability to decode emotional expression aids survival?
  • Who argued that the ability to decode emotional expression aids survival?
  • Which type of expressions not only tell us how someone is feeling, but also tells us something about our immediate surroundings?*hint: disgust, fear, surprise, happiness
    Emotional Expressions
  • The term ___ is characterized by posture and motion which convey social information?
    Body movement
  • The tendency to seek out confirming information and avoid disconfirming information is known as?
    Confirmation bias
  • A cluster of socially defined expectations for behavior in a situation is known as?
    Social role
  • What is the theory that all of the documented differences between men and women can be accounted for in terms of cultural stereotypes about gender and the resulting social roles that are taught to young people?
    Social Role Theory
  • Feminine roles are expected to use ___ Expressiveness?
  • Masculine roles are expected to use Manly ___?
  • Gesalt psychology is best associated with who?
    Solomon Asch
  • The term __ means the mind organizes pieces of information into a coherent whole?
  • In ___ : We don’t add up all the personality traits to determine who people are, some traits are more important than others, and the whole is more than the sum of its parts?
  • What type of traits are dominant traits in person perception (ex: Warm/Cold, Extroverted/Introverted)?
    Central traits
  • What type of traits convey less information than central ones (ex: trendy, polite)?
    Peripheral traits
  • Which theory tries to explain how people form first impressions about others?
    Implicit Personality Theories
  • This theory is based on central traits?
    Implicit Personality Theory
  • Which term means the tendency to view other people in a way that is internally consistent? *hint: we want to believe our theory about that person is correct, and therefore discount other, new information that might contradict our beliefs about them.
    Evaluative Consistency
  • “Once a cheater, always a cheater” and “I’m not a liar” are examples of?
    Evaluative Consistency
  • General theories of human behavior and use it to search for explanations of social events and lay theory (implicit theories) of psychology is referred to as which types sof psychology? *hint: implicit personality theory is one example.

    Naïve Psychology
  • The way we explain the cause of an event or behavior is related to which type of theory?
    Attibution Theory
  • Where do you locate the cause of an action or event?
    •Internal = Within the Person, dispositional
    •External = Outside the person, situational
    This is an example of?

    Locus of causality
  • Attribution of the causes of an event to sources internal or external to the self, which may influence subsequent behavior in relation to that event is referred to as?

    Locus of causality
  • Internal attribution =
    External attribution =
    dispositional; situational
  • What are the three dimensions of attributions? *hint: LSC
    locus of causality, stability, and controllability
  • Which theory refers to when we try to figure out whether someone’s action is revealing their stable personality characteristic?
    Correspondent Inference Theory
  • With this theory, this is how we can take one instance of a person’s behavior and decide that they are “nice” or “mean”?
    Correspondent Inference Theory
  • This type of attribution is likely when behavior is not socially desirablerude/criminal, behavior is freely chosen, not accidental or forced behavior, behavior has noncommon or unique effects, and action has an outcome that could only be caused by that action?
    internal/dispositional attribution
  • According to the Covariation Model of Attributions:
    Causes are assessed based on
    • ___: how would others behave?
    • ___: how often does it happen?
    • ___: is it unique to certain events?
    *hint: CCD
    consensus, consistency, distinctiveness
  • Underestimate situational factors in explaining others’ behavior, and overestimate dispositional factors and significant cultural variation tendency to commit FAE are examples of?
    Fundamental Attribution Error