What politicalparty did JB Priestley set up in 1942?
The Common WealthParty: it was concerned with the effects of social inequality in Britain. Merged with the labour party, and helped develop well-fare state.
What was society like after 1940s?
Women had earned a more valued place in society due to suffragettes.
Class distinctions reduced, as war pulled people together, and industrialized workers formed tradeunions had politicalpower.
British society was more open to change to socialist ideas due to the hardships like the great depression, and WW2, ClementeAtleeLabour party elected.
There was more welfare support systems for working class, i.e nationalhealth service in 1948.
What is socialism?
Approach to economic and social systems that is characterised by social ownership, democratic control and equity. JB Priestley was a socialist.
What were social and moral attitudes in1912?
Focusing on oneself and their family.
What relevance does the Titanic pose to AIC?
The titanic sank in 1912; was one of the most deadliest commercial maritime disasters. Arthur Birling's respect is lost from the audience.
What was society like in 1912?
Clear class structure, rapid industrialization caused poor working conditions and strikes.
Women had fewer rights, were seen as cheap labour.
No welfare support for working-class.
Industrialization caused people to earn more money, and more focused on capitalism.