Business vocabulary

Cards (81)

  • Business Entity
    is Any organisation that is established to provide goods or serviced
  • Primary Industry
    The use of natural resources to produce food and raw materials. e.g. farming, fishing and mining.
  • Secondary Industry(taking primary sources to make secondary)
    Industry involved in taking raw materials and making them into a finished or semi-finished product e.g. manufacturing of motor vehicles or breakfast cereals.
  • Tertiary Industry
    Concerned with providing services e.g. retailing, banking, health care and transport.
  • Quaternary
    The business activity involved in processing information e.g banking and real estate
  • List the Industry in order
    1. Primary 2. Secondary. 3. Tertiary. 4. Quaternary. 5. Quinary
  • Quinary
    The business activity involved in producing domestic services eg hotels, nursing and childcare.
  • Industry
    Business that are involved in similar types of production
  • Business life cycle
    The stages of growth and development a business can experience.
  • Partnership
    When 2 or more people join together in a business enterprise to share their expertise as well as the expenses and effort of operating a business (generally no more than 20 people)
  • Market concentration (consumer perspective)
    The number of competitors in a particular market.
  • Entrepreneur
    Someone who starts, operates and assumes the risk of a business venture in the hope of making profit.
  • Incorporated Business
    A business that is a separate legal entity, distinct from its owners. This means owners have no personal risk in the business.
  • Proprietary (private) business company
    The company is not listed on the stock exchange and has the words Pty Ltd after it's name. It is owned by up to 50 shareholders.
  • Public Company
    This form of company is listed on the stock exchange. Any number of people may become shareholders.
  • Sole trader
    A person who owns and is individually responsible for a business (but may not run it in which it turns into a partnership).
  • Risk
    The possibility of loss
  • Franchise
    The purchase of the right to use a registered business name eg McDonalds .
  • Diversification
    When a business acquires or merges with a business in a completely unrelated industry.
  • Geographical spread
    The presences of a business and the range of its products across a suburb, city, state, country of the globe.
  • Privatisation
    The process of transferring the ownership of a government business to the private sector.
  • Profit
    What remains after all business expenses have been deducted from sales revenue.
  • Transrational corporation
    Business that operate in more than 1 country.
  • e-commerce
    The buying and selling of goods and services via the internet
  • Innovation
    An improvement on something already established.
  • Market share
    The business's share of the total industry sales for a particular product.
  • Stakeholders (they care whats in STAKE)

    Those people who have an interest in the business or what the business does.
  • Shareholders
    A person who owns shares in a company and is, therefore, a member of the company
  • Business ethics
    To act responsibly and justly in all business practices.
  • Globalisation
    The process that sees people, goods, money and ideas moving around the world faster and more cheaply than before.
  • Ecological sustainability
    When economic growth meets the needs of the present population without endangering the ability of future generations to meet their needs. e.g tesla
  • Economic cycle

    Periods of growth and recession that occurs as a result of fluctuations in the general level of economic activity.
  • Production
    Those activities are undertaken by the business that combine the resources to create products that satisfy customer's needs and wants.
  • External Influences
    Economic, financial, geographic, social, legal, political, institutional, technological, competitive situation
  • Internal Influences

    Business ideas/products, location, management, establishment options, sources of information and business culture as well as STAKEHOLDERS being an influence
  • Stages of the business life cycle
    Establishment, growth, maturity, post-maturity (voluntary and involuntary cessation)
  • When one business takes control of another business by purchasing a controlling interest in it

  • A declaration that a business or person is unable to pay his or her debts
  • Refers to the stages of growth and development a business can experience
    Business life cycle
  • The money coming into the business in the form of cash receipts, and the money leaving the business as cash payment
    Cash flow