Week 4 Learning

Cards (26)

  • Machine Learning: computers use data to preform tasks with no explicit instructions
  • Supervised ML:
    Provides computer with input-output pairs, labelled data. Computer expected to grow capable of mapping inputs to outputs.
  • Classification:
    Computer grouping input into categories.
  • Computers are capable of understanding multiple dimensions in a plotted graph
  • Nearest Neighbour Classification:
    Algorithm selects nearest labelled group to assign to new input point
    K-nearest Neighbour Classification:
    variation that considers most common class of k nearest data points, to increase accuracy
  • Perceptron Learning:
    uses linear regression to draw a boundary line on plotted data, with the aim to divide as evenly as possible
  • Perceptron Learning Rule:
    given data point (input x, output y), update each weight according to:
  • perceptron rule uses a hard threshold; logistic regression uses a soft threshold
  • support vector machines can also handle non-linearly separable data
  • Support Vector Machine:
    attempts to find maximum margin separator
  • Regression:
    supervised learning problem, mapping inputs to outputs of a continuous value
  • Hypothesis Evaluation:
    attempts to minimise the loss function
    there are different types of functions that can be used
  • 0-1 Loss Function:
    commonly used in discrete classification
    L(actual, predicted) = 0 if predicted is correct, else 1
  • L1 Loss Function:
    L(actual, predicted) = |actual - predicted|
    takes into account difference so predicted does not need to be exactly the same as actual
    L2 squares this, to be more strict
  • Overfitting:
    fitting a model too closely to a specific set of data and thus failing to generalise (for new input)
  • Regulization:
    cost(h) = loss(h) + y complexity (h)
    [can chang value of y, depending on how much complexity should be penalised]
  • Holdout Cross-Validation:
    Separate data into a training set to learn from and test set to evaluate
    k-fold cross-validation:
    prevent reduction in data being used to learn from, data is split into k sets to experiment on k times (meaning each set is used as training set once)
  • Scikit-Learn:
    popular python library for working with ML algorithms
  • Reinforcement Learning:
    agent provided with numerical 'rewards'/'punishments' to learn how to complete a task
  • Markov Decision Process:
    decision-making model to represent states, actions and rewards
  • Q-Learning:
    method for learning function Q(s,a) to estimate value of an action within a state (by considering rewards/punishments)
  • Agent 'explores' to gain knowledge and can 'exploit' previous knowledge, when repeating
    Problem is that agent may exploit a path it knows eventually leads to goal, without exploring alternatives (thus possibly missing optimal path)
  • ε-Greedy ("epsilon greedy"):
    aims to prevent loss of optimal path due to exploitation, by exploring a random move a select frequency
    P(1 - ε) chose best move
    P(ε) chose random move
  • Unsupervised Learning:
    provides unlabelled input data
  • Clustering:
    grouping similar objects
  • k-means Clustering:
    dividing into k clusters by originally assigning cluster centres randomly then repeatedly moving to the average data point within each cluster