Magnetic field is a region in which a force acts on a wire or other magnet
Field lines go from the north to the south pole of a magnet. The closer together the lines, the stronger the field is.
Magnetic Field is induced when a current flows through a wire.
The right-hand rule is used to work out the direction of the magnetic field in a current-carrying wire.
Fleming's Left-hand rule is used to work out the direction of the current, external magnetic field and force on the wire.
The Magnetic Flux density is the force on one metre of wire carrying a current of one amp at right angles to the magnetic field.
Magnetic Flux density is measured in Tesla. One tesla equals one newton per one amp metre. 1T=1N/1Am
F=BILgives the maximum force the wire could experience. When the wire is 90 degrees to a magnetic field, force is proportional to the current, lenght and the flux density.
F=BQvis the equation to calculate the force that acts on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field
The radius of the circular path by a charged particle in a magnetic field is calculated by r=mv/BQ
The radius of the curvature of a charged particle, moving in a magnetic field, will increase if the mass or velocity increases. r is proportional to mv.
The radius of the curvature of a charged particle, moving in a magnetic field, will decrease if the flux density (strength of magnetic field) or the charge of the particle in the field increases. r is inversely proportional to BQ
The frequency of rotation of a charged particle , moving in a magnetic field is given by f=BQ/2(pi)m
Magnetic Flux Density is the strength of a magnetic field.
The total Magnetic Flux passing through an area perpendicular to a magnetic field is given by magneticfluxlinkage=BA
Faraday's Law states that Induced e.m.f is directly proportional to the rate of change in flux linkage.
Lenz's law states that the direction of the induced emf is opposite to the direction of the current.
Lenz's law states that the induced emf is akways in such direction as to oppose the change that caused it.
Transformers are devices that change the size of the voltage for an alternating current.