carbon and water

Cards (72)

  • Systems are composed of:
    • Inputs: Where matter or energy is added to the system
    • Outputs: Where matter or energy leaves the system
    • Stores: Where matter or energy builds up in the system
    • Flows: Where matter or energy moves in the system
    • Boundaries: Limits to the system (e.g. watershed)
  • Open systems receive inputs and transfer outputs of energy or matter with other systems
  • Positive feedback amplifies the impacts of the original event
    • Negative feedback nullifies the impacts of the original event, leading to dynamic equilibrium
  • On a local scale, the carbon and water cycles are open systems
    • On a global scale, they are closed systems
    • Each system contains flows/transfers, inputs, outputs, and stores/components
  • The Water Cycle: Local Scale
    • Water may be lost as an output through evapotranspiration and runoff
    • More water may be gained as an input through precipitation
    • Inputs and outputs are not balanced, making it an open system
  • Precipitation: Any water that falls to the surface of the earth from the atmosphere including rain, snow, and hail
    • Convectional, Relief, and Frontal are types of rainfall
  • Evapotranspiration: Compromised of evaporation and transpiration
    • Evaporation occurs when water is heated by the sun, causing it to become a gas and rise into the atmosphere
    • Transpiration occurs in plants when they respire through their leaves, releasing water they absorb through their roots
  • Infiltration: Water moving from above ground into the soil
    • Infiltration capacity refers to how quickly infiltration occurs
    • If precipitation falls at a greater rate than the infiltration capacity, overland flow will occur
  • Groundwater Flow: Water moves through the rocks
    • Ensures water in rivers even after long dry periods
    • Usually slow but variable
  • Streamflow: Water that moves through established channels
    • Fast
    • Stemflow: Flow of water intercepted by plants or trees, down a stem, leaf, branch, or other part of a plant
  • Soil Water: Water stored in the soil utilized by plants
    • Mid-term
    • Groundwater: Water stored in the pore spaces of rock
    • Long-term
  • The Water Balance: Precipitation = Total Runoff + Evapotranspiration +/- (change in) Storage
    • Used to express water storage and transfer in a drainage basin system
    • Important for explaining droughts or floods
  • Changes to the Water Cycle:
    • Deforestation leads to less interception by trees, increasing surface runoff
    • Storm events quickly saturate the ground, increasing surface runoff
    • Seasonal changes affect vegetation growth and surface runoff
  • Agriculture:
    • Pastoral farming reduces infiltration due to trampling by livestock
    • Arable farming increases infiltration by ploughing
    • Hillside terracing increases surface water storage
  • Urbanisation:
    • Impermeable surfaces reduce infiltration but increase surface runoff
    • Green roofs and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems help reduce urban flooding
  • The Soil Water Budget:
    • Shows the annual balance between inputs and outputs in the water cycle
    • Dependent on type, depth, and permeability of the soil and bedrock
  • Seasonal Variation of the Soil Water Budget:
    • Autumn: Water surplus occurs
    • Winter: Refills soil water stores
    • Spring: Water surplus
    • Summer: Soil water stores deplete
  • The Global Water Cycle:
    • Comprised of many stores, with oceans containing 97% of global water
    • Only 2.5% of stores are freshwater, with glaciers and ice caps being the largest portion
  • Water can be stored in four areas:
    • Hydrosphere: Any liquid water
    • Lithosphere: Water stored in the crust and upper mantle
    • Cryosphere: Any water that is frozen
    • Atmosphere: Water vapour
  • Aquifers are underground water stores that are unevenly distributed on a global scale
  • Shallow groundwater aquifers can store water for up to 200 years
  • Deeper fossil aquifers, formed during wetter climatic periods, may last for 10,000 years
  • Glaciers may store water for 20-100 years, feeding lakes that store water for 50-100 years
  • Seasonal snow cover and rivers store water for 2-6 months
  • Soil water acts as a temporary store, holding water for 1-2 months
  • The global atmospheric circulation model determines cloud formation and rainfall
  • The Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is a low-pressure zone on the equator with heavy rainfall, partly responsible for monsoons
  • The ITCZ moves during the seasons as the sun's position changes
  • Unstable weather occurs where the Ferrel and Hadley cells meet, moved by the jet-stream, causing changeable weather in the UK
  • Seasonal changes include less precipitation and more evapotranspiration in summer, reduced flows in the water cycle in winter, reduced interception in winter, and increased evapotranspiration in summer
  • Storm events cause sudden increases in rainfall, leading to flooding and replenishment of water stores
  • Droughts cause major water store depletion and decreased activity of flows in the water cycle
  • El Niño and La Niña effects occur every 2-7 years, impacting global temperatures in a predictable way
  • Glaciers and icecaps have stored significant proportions of freshwater in the past through accumulation
  • Currently, almost all of the world's glaciers are shrinking, causing sea levels to rise
  • If all the world's glaciers and icecaps were to melt, sea levels would rise by around 60 meters
  • Human impacts on the water cycle include farming practices, land use change, and water abstraction
  • Flood hydrographs represent rainfall and discharge of a river, with key components like discharge, rising limb, falling limb, lag time, baseflow, stormflow, and bankfull discharge
  • Flashy hydrographs have short lag time and high peak discharge, while subdued hydrographs have long lag time and low peak discharge
  • Factors that increase surface runoff, decrease lag time, and increase peak discharge to create a flashy hydrograph include high rainfall intensity, antecedent rainfall, impermeable underlying geology, high drainage density, small basin, circular basin, low temperatures, precipitation type, and vegetation cover