
Cards (107)

  • The coast is considered an open system that receives inputs from outside the system and transfers outputs away from the coast into other systems
  • Coasts can be considered closed systems in some circumstances, such as during scientific research and coastline management planning
  • The coastal system impacts and is impacted by processes in the five oceans and smaller seas
  • Coasts can be split into sediment cells bordered by prominent headlands where sediment movement is almost contained and acts in dynamic equilibrium
  • Dynamic equilibrium in a sediment cell refers to the balance in a natural system despite being in a constant state of change
  • Inputs to the coastal system include marine (waves, tides, salt spray), atmosphere (sun, air pressure, wind speed and direction), and human activities (pollution, recreation, settlement, defences)
  • Outputs from the coastal system include ocean currents, rip tides, sediment transfer, and evaporation
  • Stores/sinks of sediment in the coastal system include beaches, sand dunes, spits, bars and tombolos, headlands and bays, nearshore sediment, cliffs, wave-cut notches, wave-cut platforms, caves, arches, stacks, stumps, salt marshes, tidal flats, and offshore bands and bars
  • Processes that link inputs, outputs, and stores in the coastal system include wind-blown sand, mass-movement processes, longshore drift, weathering, erosion (hydraulic action, corrosion, attrition, abrasion), transportation (bedload, in suspension, traction, in solution), and deposition (gravity settling, flocculation)
  • Energy sources driving transfers and flows in the coastal system include wind, gravitational, and flowing water
  • The coastal system has negative feedback loops that lessen changes within the system and positive feedback loops that exaggerate changes, taking the system away from dynamic equilibrium
  • Sediment sources to the coastal system include rivers, cliff erosion, wind, glaciers, offshore erosion, storm surges, tsunami waves, and longshore drift
  • Sediment budgets assess gains and losses of sediment within a sediment cell, aiming to maintain dynamic equilibrium
  • The littoral zone is the area between cliffs or dunes on the coast and the offshore area beyond the influence of waves, constantly changing due to short-term factors like tides and storm surges and long-term factors like sea level changes and human intervention
  • The primary source of energy at the coast is from waves formed offshore, generated by wind, tectonic activity, or underwater landslides
  • Factors affecting wave energy include strength of the wind, duration of the wind, and size of the fetch
  • Wave types include constructive waves that deposit material and create depositional landforms, and destructive waves that remove depositional landforms through erosion
  • The presence of constructive waves leads to steeper beach profiles favoring the formation of destructive waves, creating a dynamic equilibrium in beach profiles
  • Dynamic equilibrium of a profile:
    • Profile is more gentle in summer and steeper during the winter months when destructive waves are more common
    • External factors like wind strength and direction can disrupt dynamic equilibrium
  • Tides:
    • Gravity is a key source of energy in coastal environments
    • Tides occur due to gravitational pull of the sun or moon, leading to changes in water levels
    • Tidal range is the difference in height between tides, largest in channels like river estuaries
    • High and low tides are impacted by the positioning of the moon and sun
    • Spring tide occurs when sun and moon are in alignment, creating largest tidal range
    • Neap tide occurs when sun and moon are perpendicular, creating smallest tidal range
  • Rip currents:
    • Powerful underwater currents near shoreline caused by plunging waves
    • Backwash forced under surface due to resistance from breaking waves, creating rip current
    • Riptides occur when ocean tide pulls water through small areas like bays or lagoons
    • Rip currents are an energy source in coastal environments, leading to sediment outputs
  • High-energy and Low-energy Coastlines:
    • High-energy coastlines have powerful waves, rocky headlands, and frequent destructive waves
    • Low-energy coastlines have less powerful waves, sandy areas, and constructive waves
    • Different processes and landforms occur in high and low energy environments
  • Wave Refraction:
    • Waves turn and lose energy around headlands on uneven coastlines
    • Wave energy focused on headlands, creating erosive features
    • Energy dissipated in bays, leading to formation of features associated with lower energy environments like beaches
  • Erosion:
    • Erosion involves removal of sediment from coastline by different types of erosion
    • Main erosion processes: Corrasion, Abrasion, Attrition, Hydraulic Action, Corrosion, Wave Quarrying
    • Factors affecting erosion: Waves, Beaches, Subaerial Processes, Rock Type, Rock Faults, Rock Lithology
  • Processes of Transportation and Deposition:
    • Transportation processes: Traction, Saltation, Suspension, Solution
    • Longshore Drift moves sediment along beach and between sediment cells
    • Deposition occurs when sediment becomes too heavy for water to carry, or when wave loses energy
  • Weathering and Mass Movement Processes:
    • Weathering is breakdown of rocks over time, leading to transfer of material into littoral zone
    • Mechanical Weathering: Freeze-thaw, Salt Crystallisation, Wetting and Drying
  • Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks through chemical reactions
  • Carbonation:
    • Rainwater absorbs CO2 from the air to create a weak carbonic acid
    • Carbonic acid reacts with calcium carbonate in rocks to form calcium bicarbonate, which can be easily dissolved
    • Acid rain reacts with limestone to form calcium bicarbonate, which is then easily dissolved allowing erosion
  • Oxidation:
    • Minerals become oxidised when exposed to the air through cracks and fissures
    • Oxidation increases the volume of the mineral, contributing to mechanical weathering and causing the rock to crumble
    • Common oxidation within rocks is iron minerals becoming iron oxide, turning the rock rusty orange after exposure to the air
  • Solution:
    • Rock minerals such as rock salt can be dissolved
  • Biological weathering involves the breakdown of rocks by organic activity
  • Plant Roots:
    • Roots of plants growing into the cracks of rocks exert pressure, eventually splitting the rocks
  • Birds:
    • Some birds such as Puffins dig burrows into cliffs weakening them and making erosion more likely
  • Rock Boring:
    • Many species of clams secrete chemicals that dissolve rocks
    • Piddocks may burrow into the rock face
  • Seaweed Acids:
    • Some seaweeds contain pockets of sulphuric acid, which can dissolve some of the rock’s minerals when hit against a rock or cliff face (e.g. Kelp)
  • Decaying Vegetation:
    • Water flowing through decaying vegetation and then over coastal areas becomes acidic, causing chemical weathering
  • Mass movement is the movement of material down a slope under the influence of gravity
  • Mass movement can be categorised into four main areas: creeps, flows, slides, and falls
  • Factors influencing the type of mass movement include cliff/slope angle, rock type, rock structure, vegetation, saturation of ground, and presence of weathering
  • Different types of mass movement include:
    • Soil Creep: slowest but most continuous form of mass movement involving the movement of soil particles downhill
    • Solifluction: occurs mainly in tundra areas where the land is frozen, forming solifluction lobes
    • Mudflows: increase in water content of soil reduces friction, leading to earth and mud flowing over underlying bedrock
    • Rockfall: occurs on sloped cliffs when exposed to mechanical weathering, leading to scree building up at the base of the slope