Php introduction (1st lec)

Cards (14)

  • PHP is a server-side scripting language that is embedded with HTML
  • PHP is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session tracking, and even build entire e-commerce sites
  • PHP is integrated with popular databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server
  • PHP scripts are executed on the server
  • PHP is a recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"
  • PHP Syntax is C-Like
  • PHP is open source software
  • PHP is a small open source project that evolved as more people found out how useful it was
  • A PHP script can be placed anywhere in the document
  • A PHP script starts with <?php and ends with ?>
  • The default file extension for PHP files is ".php"
  • Rasmus Lerdorf unleashed the first version of PHP in 1994
  • Five important characteristics that make PHP's practical nature possible are:
    • Simplicity
    • Efficiency
    • Security
    • Flexibility
    • Familiarity
  • Two servers commonly used with PHP are Apache and MySQL