Miller makes Kates role explicit to the theatre audience: first appearance = housewife concerned with domestic matters.
Allows Miller to show us that the family has made money.
Mothers speech, describing her dream of Larrys assault on the memorial tree, conveys her hysteria / Kates manipulative hold on the family / the Ibsonian idea of 'return of the past.' - miller 'chickens coming home to roost.'
The relationship between Kate and Keller functions on the basis of Kate holding the baggage of guilt so that keller can thrive in his business: she takes the guilt so that he can ignore it.
As kate enters the light of truth and acceptance, joe retreats into the shadows until he cannot handle it and kills himself.
Kate carries the burden of secrets whilst Keller puts on a jovial public face.
Uses her love as a weapon.
Kate's superstition is a defense against her husband's guilt – and her own.