Cards (15)

  • George = The nemesis
    In the play setting, the nemesis (those delivering justice) are lawyers rather than Gods.
  • 'he's a little man. that's what happens to suckers, you know. its good i went to him in time - another year there'd be nothing left but his smell.' pg53
    infantilization of Steve - disintegrating at the hands of Keller's deceit and lies.
    extended metaphor 'smaller, smaller?, yeah little, hes a little man.' shows the failure of men under capitalism emasculates them
    disappearance - mitigation for death? being forgotten, left behind
  • 'the trouble? the trouble is when you make suckers out of people you shouldn't try do it twice.' pg53
    hypophora / rhetorical question
    inherent contradiction in attempting to deceive others multiple times, highlighting the moral ambiguity
    suckers = hf lexis / colloquial, ironic layer
  • 'but outside there doesnt seem to be much of a law. the tree's got thick, didnt they?' pg52

    symbolism /reference to thickening trees serves as a metaphor for the moral darkness and lack of accountability in the world beyond the confines of the play's setting.
    justice and ethical principls overshadowed and obscured
    society fractured after the war
    challenging the kellers by referencing the trees that keep them blind to the moral decay of the family.
  • 'now joe is a big shot and your fathers the patsy.' pg55
    guilt, betrayal and accountabiltiy
    colloquial language - underscoring gravity, intimacy with ann - final beg for her to see the truth
    inversion of justice
    imbalance of power,
  • 'he loved you so much... [he pauses.] Annie... we did a terrible thing. we can never be forgiven. not even to send him a card at christmas.' pg54
    ellipsis = moment of hesitation, emotional turmoil, difficulty in expressing the enormity of their actions
    direct address = emotional bond, desperation in calling her to join his side, he feels alone
    imagery of inability to send card serves as a powerful image of the extent to which their actions have severed their connection to Keller and inability to seek forgiveness. irreparable nature of wrongdoings
    depth of guilt
  • 'everything they have is covered in blood.' pg56
    stain of corruption - violence, sin, consequences
    possesions tainted in their complicity in immoral deeds
    pervasive nature of guilt - linked to macbeth
    hyperbole - sevirity,
    motif of blood, mirroring chris
  • 'i saw your factory on the way from the station, it looks like general motors.'
    Joes successful factory is a symbol of the injustice joe has inflicted on Georges father, joe got rich and steve got imprisoned.
    his injustice / corruption spreads beyond the neighbourhood : it is across america
  • 'i saw your factory on the way from the station, it looks like general motors'
  • 'everything they have is covered in blood.' pg56

  • 'he loved you so much... [he pauses.] Annie... we did a terrible thing. we can never be forgiven. not even to send him a card at Christmas.' pg54

  • 'now joe is a big shot and your fathers the patsy.' pg55

  • 'but outside there doesnt seem to be much of a law. the tree's got thick, didnt they?' pg52
  • 'the trouble? the trouble is when you make suckers out of people you shouldn't try do it twice.' pg53

  • 'he's a little man. that's what happens to suckers, you know. its good i went to him in time - another year there'd be nothing left but his smell.' pg53