Pushfactors: reasons why people want to leave an area
Pull factors: reasons why people want to move to a particulararea
War of Independence (1776-1783): tensions between the American colonies and Great Britain
When the settlements were found in North America, this became a great source of wealth thanks to sugar plantations and the slave trade
Britain was bankrupt in 1945
Commonwealth aims to promote democracy, human rights, free trade and peace
Immigration pro:
more flexiblejobmarket, greater culturaldiversity
a solution to an agingpopulation
Immigration con:
over population —> economicstrain
maybe socialdisharmony
Job competition
security concerns
Commonwealth : is a voluntaryintergovernmental organization of 53 (Australia, Canada, India and of course the United Kingdom) member states, most of which were part of the BritishEmpire
Commonwealth pro:
• members work together, united values
• country’s not following the rules got suspended
• good criteria’s for a membership (chance of world peace)
Commonwealth con:
• lesscooperation with the rest of the world
• newmembers must have a directlink to othermembers
• similarorganizationsexist (fake?)
Empire: A large territory controlled by a singlecountry, usually ruled by a monarch.
Empire pro:
Great Britain became more diverse due to the many colonies
English then became world-famous (relatively uniform language)
other countries had orientation through democracy
Empire con:
Slaves were brought to America
The various colonies also brought diseases
Culture was in a way forced on the colonists
Brexit: The UK's withdrawal from the European Union.
Brexit pro:
Britain can have access market ich the EU
Eu-Sceptics believe that its too much immigration and insecurity what followed to terrorism
EU rules often hurt the British interests
Brexit con:
Europe is Britain main trading partner
Workers could lose their job if its have international obligations
Britain would lose influence and be an outsider in Europe (strained relations between the UK and EU)
Minorities pro:
Diverse Perspectives: Minorities bring unique viewpoints, enhancing creativity and problem-solving
many minorities can stick together
Minorities Con:
tensions between people with cultural background
hard time to immigrate in the society
may become frustrated and not follow the rules
hard power: military power, economic power, diplomatic power, and cultural power
Hard power pro:
National Defense
Attractive if you want to be a leader
has a stronger an more understandable effect
Hard power con:
Conflict and Instability tensions and conflicts between nations
Humanitarian Concerns: may result in humanitarian crises
Diplomatic Isolation: can isolate a country diplomatically
Soft power pro:
not destroying anything
large non-violence influence on others
understanding cooperation calm
Soft power con:
can not be taken seriously
not consistent enough
can be manipulated
The European Dream:
a bigger interest in sustainable development
balance between work and free time
work to live
focus on social rights
push factors:
lack of basic services
high level of personal danger
high crime
crop failure
higher employment
more affluence
better service
good climate
being a UScitizen
meet your state‘sresidencyrequirements
be 18 on electionday
UK Election requirements:
be registered to vote in the constituency
be 18 years old on polling day
be either a British
The UK is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy
no written constitution (not codified in a single document)
King/ Queen: no political decisions
Soft power: The ability to influence others through persuasion rather than obligation or force.
The American Dream:
people's interest is more in the economic development