judicial precedent

Cards (29)

  • docrtine of precedent - must follow decision of courts above
  • stare decisis - let the decision stand
  • ratio decedendi - reason for the decision
  • obiter dicter - rest of decision
  • supreme court - bound by eu court - binds all other uk courts
  • coa - bound by supreme court - binds all lower courts and its self
  • KBD - boung by supreme and coa - binds all lower courts
  • chancery and family division of high court - bound by supreme coa and itself - binds high court and lower courts
  • high court - bound by supreme coa and divisional courts - binds lower courts
  • young v bristol areoplanes - 3 rules on when coa needs to follow its own decisions
  • three rules - 1. decide which conflicting decision to follow 2. refuse to follow an illogical decision 3. not bound if decision given per incuriam
  • per incuriam - in error
  • binding precedent - precedent which must be followed
  • pursuasive precedent - does not have to be followed - lower courts - obiter dicta
  • original precedent - pol has never been considered before
  • overruling - overrule previous decisions of lower courts
  • reversing - overturns lower court decision on appeal
  • distinuishing - avoids precendent - by finding that cases are different based on facts
  • pro - certainty
  • pro - consistency
  • pro - precision
  • pro - fairness
  • pro - flexibility
  • pro - time saving
  • con - rigidity
  • con - complexity
  • con - illogical distinctions
  • con - slowness of growth
  • con - bad precedent needs another case to overturn it