Radicals are species with an unpaired electron which can be easily removed, therefore making them highly reactive.
Free radicals can be formed by homolytic fission.
A covalent bond between atoms in a halogen molecule can be broken in homolytic fission, which splits the pair of electrons between the two atoms forming two free radicals.
Cl - Cl -> Cl• + Cl•
Initiation is the step of free radicals substitution where diatomic halogen molecules are split into halogen free radicals by ultraviolet light.
Propagation is when the chain reaction occurs. The free radical abstracts hydrogen from another molecule to form a new free radical.
Propagation consists of two steps. First the free radicals removes an alkanes hydrogen atom forming an alkyl radical and another molecule. Next the alkyl radical gains a halogen atom to form a haloalkane and a new halogen free radical.
Termination of free radical substitution occurs when two free radicals react to form a stable molecule that no longer participates in the chain reaction.