HR Key Terms

Cards (15)

  • Absenteeism occurs when an employee is not present at his or her place of work
  • Appraisal is the process of considering and evaluating the performance of an individual employee
  • Business ethics refer to whether a business decision is percieved as morally right or wrong
  • Collective bargaining entails negotiations between management and employees' representatives, often trade unions, over pay and other conditions of employment
  • Commision is a method of payment in which the amount paid is related to the value of goods or services than an employee sells
  • Dismissal takes place when an employer terminates an employee's contract of employment and leads to empoyees exiting the human resource flow
  • Employee engagement describes the connection between a business's employees and its mission, goals and objectives
  • Employee involvement exists in a business in which people are able to have an impact on decisions and actions that affect their working lives
  • Employee welfare is a broad term covering a wide range of facilities that are essential for the wellbeing of a business's employees
  • An employer brand is a business's reputation as an employer
  • Empowerment is a series of actions designed to give employees greater control over their working lives
  • Human resource flow is the movement of employees through an organisation, starting with recruitment and ending with retirement.
  • Human resource objectives are the targets pursued by the HR function or department of the business
  • A human resource plan asssses the current and future capacity of a business's workforce and sets out actions necessary to meet the business's future human resource needs
  • Job design is the process of grouping together or dividing up of tasks and responsibilities to create complete jobs