EM Waves

Cards (13)

  • Radio wave:
    W.L.- >0.1m
    Freq- 3 * 10^3 to 3* 10^8
  • Micro wave:
    W.L. - 0.1 m to 1mm
    Freq- 3*10^8 to 3 *10^11
  • Infrared wave:
    W.L.- 1mm to 700nm
    Freq- 3 * 10^11 to 4 * 10^14
  • Light:
    W.L.- 700nm to 400nm
    Freq- 4*10^14 to 8 * 10^14
  • ultraviolet:
    W.L.- 400nm to 1nm
    Freq- 8*10^14 to 8 *10^16
  • X-rays:
    W.L.- 1nm to 10^-3nm
    Freq- 1* 10^16 to 3 * 10^21
  • Y-rays:
    W.L.- <10^-3nm
    Freq- 5* 10^18 TO 5 * 10^22
  • Y-rays:
    use- penetrate thick iron; due to high energy used in nuclear reactions; destroy cancer cells
    production- Radioactive decay of nucleus
    Detection- Photographic film & ionisation chamber
  • X-rays:
    Use- Medical diagnosis like fracture, TB in lungs, stone in gallbladder and kidney; to check flaws in bridges; to study crystal structure
    production- X-ray tubes; inner shell electron
    detection- Photographic films & geiger tubes
  • Ultraviolet rays:
    uses- vitamin D; sterilization; detect invisible writing, forged documents, finger prints in forensic labs; preserve food
    production- inner shell electrons in atoms moving from one energy level to lower energy level
    detection- photocell; photographic film
  • Infrared:
    uses- long distance photography; therapeutic purpose; green house effect
    production- by hot bodies and molecules vibration
    detection- Thermopile; bolometer' infrared photographic film
  • Microwaves:
    use- RADAR system for aircrafts; homes as microwaves
    production-Special vacuum tubes like klystrons, magnetrons & gun diodes
    detection- point contact diodes
  • Radio waves:
    uses- broadcasting programs to distant places
    production- rapid acceleration and de-acceleration of electrons in aerials.
    detection- receiver's aerials