Action potential

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  • The membrane starts at resting potential (-65 mV)
  • The initial stimulus causes a depolarising generator potential at the receptor
  • The generator potential is created when the stimulus reaches a critical value called the threshold potential (approximately -55 mV)
  • Voltage-gated sodium ion channel proteins rapidly open when the threshold potential is reached
  • Sodium ions diffuse down their electrochemical gradient into the neurone, depolarising it further
  • The neurone eventually becomes overall positive inside and overall negative outside, reaching a peak membrane potential of +40 mV
  • This triggers the closing of voltage-gated sodium ion channel proteins and the opening of voltage-gated potassium ion channel proteins
  • Potassium ions diffuse down their electrochemical gradients out of the neurone, causing repolarisation
  • The loss of positive charge during repolarisation causes the inside of the neurone to become overall negative again
  • The membrane becomes hyperpolarised as so many potassium ions leave
  • The voltage-gated potassium ion channel proteins close after hyperpolarisation
  • Resting potential is eventually restored by the Na+/K+ pump protein and leak channel proteins
  • Action potential overly simplified:
    -65 mV 🡪 Na+ flood in 🡪 +40 mV 🡪 K+ flood out 🡪 -65 mV
    • An action potential is only generated when threshold is reached;
    • For a given neurone, if an action potential is generated, it will always be of the same size.
  • The stronger the stimulus, the greater the frequency of action potentials.
  • Threshold potential can vary from one neurone to another.
    If threshold is lower, action potentials will be activated by a weaker stimulus.
    The brain can then detect the relative numbers of neurones of different thresholds that have been activated and use this to determine stimulus strength.