acacia, sage, yarrow, witch hazel, bayberry, distilled vinegar, very cold watet, and rubbing alcho
Under a cobalt glass, what color will Lithium emits?
Atomic Radius: increases - top to bottom tight to left lonization Energy: increases - bottom to top, left io right Electron Affinity: increases - bottom to top, left to right Electronegativity: increases - bottom to top, left to right
Lavoisier First extensive list of elements
Berzelius TableofAtomicWeight
Dobereiner Law of Triads
Newlands Law of Octaves
Mendeleev Father of Periodic Table
Moseley Arranged by Atomic Number
Seaborg Transuramic Elements
Arrhenius in acid yields H+,Base Yields OH
Proton donor in Acid , Proton acceptor in Base
electron acceptor in acid ,electron donor in Base
under a cobalt glass, what color will Na emits?
under a cobalt glass, what color will k emits?
under a cobalt glass, what color will Lithium emits?
under a cobalt glass, what color will calcium emits?
Light Green
under a cobalt glass, what color will Sr emits?
under a cobalt glass, what color will Barium emits?
Bluish Green
under a cobalt glass, what color will Bi, Pb, As, Co, Sb emits?