Cards (98)

  • anterior means toward or at the front (belly) of the body
  • posterior means toward or at the back of the body
  • medial means toward the midline of the body
  • lateral means toward the side of the body
  • proximal means nearer to the point of attachment or to a given reference point
  • distal means farther from the point of attachment or from a given reference point
  • superior means above, in a higher position
  • inferior means below, in a lower position
  • cranial means toward the head
  • caudal means toward the lower end of the spine; in humans, in an inferior direction
  • superficial means closer to the surface of the body
  • deep means closer to the center of the body
  • frontal plane also called a coronal plane is made at right angles to the midline and divides the body into anterior and posterior parts
  • sagittal plane passes from front to back and divided the body into right and left portions
  • if the plane passes through the midline, it is a midsagittal or medial plane
  • a transverse plane passes horizontally, dividing the body into superior and inferior parts
  • internal organs are located within dorsal and ventral cavities
  • dorsal cavity contains the brain in the cranial cavity
  • the spinal cord in the spinal cavity
  • the thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm
  • there is no anatomic separation between the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity, which together make up the abdominopelvic cavity
  • the large membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity and covers the organs within it is the peritoneum
  • epigastric region is located above the stomach
  • umbilical region named for the umbilicus or navel
  • hypogastric region is located below the stomach
  • hypochondriac regions named for their positions near the ribs, specifically near the cartilages
  • lumbar regions which are located near the small of the back
  • iliac regions named for the upper bone of the hip, the ilium
  • iliac region are also called the inguinal regions , with reference to the groin
  • cranial is skull
  • frontal is the medical term for forehead
  • ocular is the medical term for eye
  • oral is the medical term for mouth
  • cephalic is the medical term for head
  • facial is the medical term for face
  • thoracic is the medical term for chest
  • mammary is the medical term for breast
  • brachial is the medical term for arm
  • antebrachial is the medical term for forearm
  • carpal is the medical term for wrist