Hosea deeply loved his wife, who was repeatedly unfaithful. He was urged by God to win her back and treated her with great respect and love.
Gomer’s infidelity was evil that God told Hosea to name his children
Lo-Rouhama and Lo-Ammi, which meant “not loved” and “not my people” respectively. The names did not only express Hosea’s frustration with Gomer, but also God’s disappointment with Israel.
By being a faithful and loving husband to an unfaithful wife, Hosea became a living image of God’s unquenchable and tender love for a people who did not love Him back with constant fidelity. Gomer represented Israel whom God faithfully loved and called to repentance repeatedly.
Hosea challenges us today to ask ourselves if we have been ungrateful and unfaithful to the One who loves us faithfully.
"Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God (Hosea 14:2) and if Israel returned, God would heal her. I will heal their defection, I will love them freely; for my wrath is turned away from them”