LAS 3 - Prophet Hosea

Cards (6)

  • Hosea: Prophet of Divine Love
  • Hosea deeply loved his wife, who was repeatedly unfaithful. He was urged by God to win her back and treated her with great respect and love.
  • Gomer’s infidelity was evil that God told Hosea to name his children
    Lo-Rouhama and Lo-Ammi, which meant “not loved” and “not my people” respectively. The names did not only express Hosea’s frustration with Gomer, but also God’s disappointment with Israel.
  • By being a faithful and loving husband to an unfaithful wife, Hosea became a living image of God’s unquenchable and tender love for a people who did not love Him back with constant fidelity. Gomer represented Israel whom God faithfully loved and called to repentance repeatedly.
  • Hosea challenges us today to ask ourselves if we have been ungrateful and unfaithful to the One who loves us faithfully.
  • "Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God (Hosea 14:2) and if Israel returned, God would heal her. I will heal their defection, I will love them freely; for my wrath is turned away from them”