The Non-Experimental Method

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  • What is an experiment?
    An experiment is a study in which the researcher investigates a cause and effect relationship, by comparing the effect of different levels of an independent variable on the dependant variable.
  • What are the three types of Non-experimental method?
    • Single variable studies
    • Correlational studies
    • Case studies
  • What is a single variable study?
    Where a researcher measures a single variable
  • What is a correlation?
    Where two variables share an association.
  • What is a Positive correlation?
    Where one variable gets bigger the other one gets bigger
  • What is a Negative correlation?
    Where one variable gets bigger, the other gets smaller
  • What is a Correlational Study?
    When the researcher measures 2 variables and looks at whether they are correlated.
  • correlation does not mean causation
  • What are the Pros of Correlational studies?
    They are cheaper and more practical to conduct than experiments and they are less likely to be unethical.
  • What are the Cons of Correlational studies?
    • doesn't tell the type of association (experiment is needed)
    • correlation doesn't mean causation
  • What is a case study?
    A detailed investigation into a single individual or small group of individuals. It is usually conducted to investigate people with unusual and rare experiences, that couldn't be investigated in an experiment.
  • What are the Pros of Case Studies?
    • Researchers can gather a lot of information from many different sources.
    • They provide a way to studying rare situations that researchers wouldn't be able to manipulate or investigate in an experiment or correlation study.
  • What are the Cons of Case Studies?
    • we can't establish a cause-and-effect relationship
    • their experiences may not generalize to other people
    • Anonymity issues with being the only one