Cards (15)

  • What should be checked before going out in the field for instrument preparation?
    Fully charge the battery, ensure ample storage capacity in the memory device, ensure receiver settings are the same for all types of receivers.
  • What are the procedural conditions to be observed before the start of operation?
    Control points form a Session, all receivers should have the same logging interval, elevation mask, coordinate system, and equipment frequency.
  • What are the types of receivers to be used for different baseline lengths and modes of positioning?
    Single Frequency, Dual Frequency
  • What is the minimum number of receiver units per survey team for the establishment of geodetic control covering First and Second Order Accuracy?
    There shall be at least three (3) receiver units per survey team.
  • What is the minimum session length for Rapid/Fast Static Mode for baselines over 10 kms with 6 or more satellites?
    20 min
  • What is the minimum session length for Rapid/Fast Static Mode for baselines 5-10 kms with 5 satellites?
    25 min
  • What is the minimum session length for Rapid/Fast Static Mode for baselines up to 5 kms with 4 satellites?
    20 min
  • What is the minimum number of satellites that should be observed for a minimum duration in Static Mode?
    A minimum of four (4) satellites.
  • What are the prescribed activities in the conduct of GNSS field observations?
    Setting up the GNSS receiver unit on the survey mark/monument, following the warm-up time, properly connecting the receiver to the power source, measuring the antenna height, and recording all necessary information in the field sheets.
  • The Geodetic Control Survey Project shall be composed of licensed geodetic engineers which include the Chief of Party, Assistant Chief of Party and instrument observer
    in consonance with the provisions of RA 8560, as amended.
  • the Geodetic Control Survey Party to be established shall have the following three (3) basic components:

    a. Project Main Office - for general supervision, coordination activities, administrative and other related matters. The Chief of Party shall be a licensed Geodetic Engineer and his/her qualifications should conform to the requirements under Article 3, DAO No. 2007-29 and RA 8560, as amended.

    b.Office Operations - for data research, computations, cartographic, and other related activities. Manpower shall include computer literate personnel with knowledge on GNSS processing software.

    c.Field Operations - for reconnaissance, monument setting, observations, and other related activities. 1) Survey Control Team 2) Reconnaissance and Monument Recovery Team 3) Monument Setting Team
  • The survey party and its component shall be as determined by
    the Project Contractor or the Chief of Party.
  • All Geodetic Control Surveys shall be conducted in the Philippine Reference System of 1992 (PRS 92) using survey grade GNSS receivers. The calibration/testing and registration of the instrument prior to their use shall be in accordance with _____.
    Section 22, DAO No. 2007-29.
  • As per Sections 4 and 28, DAO No. 2007-29
    the control surveys are defined and classified into geodetic and project control surveys
  • by monuments of permanent nature
    Control Surveys shall be fixed in a position on the surface of the earth