Cards (45)

  • The word neoclassic came from the greek word " neos" which means "new" and the Latin word "classic" which means "classic"
  • The western movement in decorative and visual arts was called Neoclassicism
  • The neoclassical movement coincided with the 18th century Age of Reason also know as the Age of Enlightment
  • Neoclassical arts pieces such as paintings, sculpture, and architecture generally potrayed Roman History which elevated the roman heroes
  • Classicism – This is the period in which greek and roman principles and styles were reflected in society.
  • Jacques–Louis David – was a well-known French Neoclassical painter who was often regarded as the era's greatest artist. His paintings tended to be more historical in nature.
  • Jacques–Louis David – was an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style, and considered to be preeminent painters of the era. His subjects of painting were more on history.
  • The Death of Marat : Jacques-Louis David
  • The Death of Marat – The potrayal of revolutionary martyr is depicted in David's masterwork. This is a painting of Jean-Paul Sartre, the assassinated French revolutionary leader, Mara.
  • Napoleon Crossing the ALPS : Jacques-Louis David
  • Napoleon Crossing the ALPS – The artwork depicts a highly idealized version of Napoleon's actual crossing of the Alps through the Great St. Bernard Pass in May 1800
  • Oath of Horatii : Jacques-Louis David
  • Oath of Horatti – It was a big artwork depicting a scenario from a Roman legend concerning Rome and Alba Longa's feud. The three brothers are potrayed saluting their father, who holds their sword out for them, all of them appear eager to give their lives for the welfare of Rome.
  • Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres – He was a pupil of Jacques-Louis David. He was an influenced by Italian Renaissance painters like Raphael, Nicolas Pousin, Botticelli and his mentor Jacques-Louis David
  • Jean-Auguste-Dominique – His paintings were mainly naked women, portraits, landscapes, and mythological themes.
  • Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres – He was regarded as one of the great examplars of academic art and one of the finest " Old Masters" of his era.
  • Portrait of Napoleon on the Imperial Throne – The painting depicts Napoleon in his decadent coronation costume, seated upon his golden-encrusted throne, hand resting upon smooth ivory balls.
  • The Apotheosis of Homer – The painting was a state-comission by Charles X to have him remembered in the buildings works of the Loure.
  • The Apotheosis of Homer – The painting depicts an image of Homer, receiving all brilliant men of Rome, Greece, and contemporary times.
  • Neoclassical Sculptures – Artist looked up to Roman styles during the time of Alexander the Great for inspiration as well as to mimic their style.
  • Antonio Canova – was a profilic Italian artist and sculptors who became famous for his marble sculptures that delicately rendered nude flesh.
  • Antonio Canova – He opened the idea for portraying discrete sexual pleasures by using pure contours with his mythological compositions.
  • The Apotheosis of Homer : Jean-Auguste-Dominique
  • Portrait of Napoleon on the Imperial Throne : Jean-Auguste-Dominique
  • Psyche Awakened by Cupid's Kiss – A marble sculpture portraying the relationship Psyche and Cupid.
  • Washington – This is made marble sculptures of Washington currently at North Carolina Museum of History
  • Pysche Awakened by Cupid's Kiss : Antonion Canova
  • Washington : Antonio Canova
  • Bertel Thorvaldsen – was the first internation acclaimed Danish artist. He executed sculptures of mythological and religious themes character.
  • Christ – A marble sculpture image of resurrected. This sculpture currently located at the Thorvaldsen Museum
  • Lion of Lucerne – A sculpture of a dying lion in Lucerne, Switzerland that commemorates rhe Swiss Guard who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution
  • Christ : Bertel Thorvaldsen
  • Lion of Lucerne : Bertel Thorvaldsen
  • Neoclassical Architecture – syles started in the mid-18 century. It turned away from the grandeus of Rococo Styles and the Late Baroque.
  • Neoclassical Architecture – was a style proincipally derives from the architecture of Classical Greece and Rome and the architectural design of the Italian Architect Andrea Palladio
  • What are the three types of Neoclassical Architecture?
    • Temple Style
    • Palladian Style
    • Classical Block Style
  • Temple Style ‐ a neoclassical style of building design was based on an acient temple.
  • Temple Style – these buildings were uncommon during the Renaissance as architects of that period focused mainly on applying classical elements to churches and modern building like palazzos and villas
  • Temple Style – Many temples style buildings features a peristyle ( a continous line of columns around a building), a rare feature of Renaissance architecture.
  • Palladian Style – buildings were based on Andrea Palladio's style of villa construction.