
Cards (38)

  • Warren Harding:
    • "A return to normalcy"
    • Republican, makes Republican party the party of big business
  • After the war their is a recession as the economy shifts from wartime to consumerism
  • Ohio Gang - group or Harding and businessmen that were very corrupt

    Teapot Dome, WY - oil reserve
    • Controlled by Secretary of Interior, controls all of the land
    • No one is supposed to drill on the land but Sec. of Interior lets people do it anyway and pockets the cash
    • Warren gets flamed because he's either corrupt or dumb
  • Secretary of Treasure - Andrew Mellon
    • Laissez-faire policies
    • Raises tariffs, lowers shipping costs
    Undoes work of Progressive Era
    • Harding allows big businesses to go unchecked
    • When businesses go unregulated it harms consumers
    Leads to Great Depression
  • Washington Naval Disarmament Conference - US invites everyone to Washington and they all agree to shrink their navy
  • Kellogg-Braind Pact - Agreement that there will never be war again, the consequence is war
  • Harding dies in office from a heart attack so Calvin Coolidge (VP) becomes president.
  • Germany doesn't have the money to pay reparations so US comes up with Dawes Act

    Dawes Act - US gains some money from interest and it keeps circulation of funds
    A) loans
    B) reparations
    C) war loans repaid
    • US government needs farmers to create more and more product during the war
    • Farmers take out loans to build more land and get more supplies
    • War ends and demand plummets
    • Farmers ask Congress to pass a bill to help them, Congress agrees but Coolidge vetoes it
  • Russian/Bolshevik Revolution:
    • Bolshevik - Russian Communist Party
    • Murder the royal family and Vladimir Lennon takes control (USSR)
    • First fully Communist country
  • Red Scare
    • US thinks that everyone that emigrates from Eastern Europe are secret Russian spies
    • Palmer Raids - Unlawful search and seizure of Eastern European homes, found 0 spies

    American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) - Helped Russian immigrants
    • Tinker v. Des Moines
    • Travel Bans (2020)
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
    • Italian Immigrants and Anarchists
    • Represented by the ACLU
    • Accused of robbing a shoe store and killing a clerk
    • No evidence, they had alibis
    But the court found them guilty and had them executed
  • People are moving out of war torn countries and to the US
  • Original KKK
    • South
    • Only men
    • Prevent Black people and associates from voting
    Second KKK
    • Big cities/Urban areas
    • Men and women
    • Don't like people who aren't White Protestant Christians
  • The KKK had influence with politicians, some politicians were in the KKK
    This led to anti-immigrant laws
    • National Origins Act - allows 2% of the previous years amount of immigrants
    • Emergency Quota Act - sets restrictions (quotas) on how many people can emigrate from a country
    ^^ Both intensely restrict immigration
  • Stock - essentially, a measure of how much a stock is worth, the consumers public view of a company
    • The price of stock is based on the investors
    Stockbrokers guess (stock speculation) what businesses are good to convince their investors to invest
  • The introduction of personal credit so people could pay for expensive items in installment

    Didn't know the rules of credit so they ended up in debt
  • Bubble - a company could say they sold 1000 fridges but if the did it on credit then they didn't make the profit of 1000 fridges 

    Stock prices rise
  • Margin Buying - buying stocks with credit
    Can't sell stocks until you pay them off
  • Conspicuous Consumerism - people buying things to look wealthier than they are
  • Henry Ford
    • First car he created was the Model T
    • Invents the assembly line to reduce production prices
    • Created 40 hour weeks and weekends
    • Payed Black and White employees the same

    With the assembly line the Model T changed in price from thousands to 300
  • The price of alcohol went up because it was illegal
    Speakeasy - illegal bar, other crimes occurred her because it was a secret
    • Al Capone - ran speakeasys, turned into a mafia boss
    • Most groups like this were comprised of ethnic gangs
  • Lucky Luciano copied Al Capone and made the five families (mob) of New York
  • Elliot Ness (FBI) wants to prosecute Al Capone, so he charges him for tax evasion
    Al Capone is arrested and sent to Alcatraz, he went dumb from syphilis, was released a few years later and died shortly after
  • NASCAR - people had fast cars and nothing to drive them for so they started racing
  • Fundamentalism - the literal interpretation of a religious text
  • When the Red Scare comes, fundamentalism increases

    People believed that all communists were athiests
  • Christians disagreed with science and Darwin's theory of evolution

    TN passed Butler Act which only allowed the Creation Story to be taught at schools
  • The ACLU disagreed with the Butler Act, separation of church and state
    Scopes Monkey Trial
    John Scopes - PE teacher that was pulled to teach science, ACLU convinced him to teach about evolution
    • Scopes gets arrested and Clarence Darrow represents him, William Jennings Bryan represents the state
    • Case of century, people listened on the radio
    • The judge won't let Darrow bring any experts to the stand so he buts Bryan on the stand instead and humiliated him
    • Bryan wins the case because Scopes did break the law but he is embarrassed and dies (from diabetes) 2 weeks later
  • Talkies - movies where people talked, started to replace silent films
    • Charlie Chaplin - good at silent films but bad at talkies, thought they were a fad
    Radio - fuels consumerism, advertising, news, can listen to it in the background
    • War of the World - book about aliens, advertised on the radio but people thought it was a news channel and they were being attacked by aliens
    • Charles Lindbergh - flew the Spirit of St. Louis across the Atlantic, his baby was kidnapped and killed
  • Harlem Renaissance - blending ancestry with current experience of being a Black American
    • Novelists: Zora Neal Hurston
    • Musicians: Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington (Cotton Club)
    • Josephine Baker - choreographer, Civil Rights Activist
  • Marcus Garvey
    • UNIA - United Negro Improvement Association
    • Back-to-Africa movement
    • Segregation as a defense mechanism
  • "A Lost Generation" - WWI veterans and writers who had a hard time moving on after the war, saw society as fake
    • Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald
    • The Great Gatsby - nothing is real, it's all about appearances
  • Margaret Sanger - witnessed the cause of numerous and dangerous pregnancies
    • Wrote Birth Control Review, went against Comstock Law so she had to flee to Europe
    • Her husband kept publishing the Review
    • In Europe she met a rich woman who helped her; she smuggled BC into the US
  • Comstock Law - can't write about obscene things (Birth Control)
  • Repeal Comstock
    • People claim it goes against free speech
    • Doctors become exempt from it
    • Government propaganda about safe sex
  • Soldiers are getting STDs from French prostitutes, government starts making propaganda about safe sex
    The world doesn't end when they talk about sex