Cards (5)

  • Reasons for starting a business:
    • To produce a good
    • To provide a service
    • To distribute products
    • To benefit society
    • To fill a gap in the market
    • To fulfil a business opportunity
  • Goods:
    • Tangible items that can be used and stored
    • Examples include computers, food, and clothes
  • Services:
    • Intangible actions that cannot be stored
    • Customers have access to services for a period of time
    • Examples include hairdressing, train journeys, and internet access
  • Wants:
    • Things that people would like to have but can survive without
    • Unlimited and might include event tickets, designer accessories, holidays, laptops, mobile phones, and cars
  • Needs:
    • Things required for survival such as clothing, food, shelter, warmth, and water