sensor compares ratio of light emitted to light absorbed by hemoglobim and converts into percentage of Spo2
normal range is 97-98%
What is a healthy patient for O2 saturations?
no lung disease, no anemia, 97-99%, warm skin, normal hemoglobin
Hand hygiene
alcohol based hand-wipe (when hands are not visibly soiled)
Soap and running water (when hands are visibly dirty, or following visible exposure to body fluids)
Apex of heart
found in 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line (left side of chest wall)
Base of heart
located in 2nd intercostal space, right and left sternal border
Blood flow?
comes into heart by vena cavas into right atrium, moves into right ventricle after, travels up to pulmonary arteries into lungs, comes back to heart via pulmonary veins from lungs into left atrium, left ventrical after, up into aorta to sent out into body
AV valves?
atrioventricular. valves between atrium and ventricle. Tricupsid is RA to RV and mitral is LA to LV
Movement of blood through heart?
cardiac cycle
S1 and S2
S1 = systole, where mitral and tricuspid are closed; S2 = diastole, where aortic and pulmonary are closed
Development in infants and kids
foramen ovale, ductus arteriousus, position of heart in chest
development in pregnant peeps
increase in blood volume, increase in stroke volume and cardiac output
development in older adults
influence of lifestyle, increase systolic BP, decrease ability of heart to augment CO with exercise, increase in supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, decreased tolerance for tacharrhythimias, changes in conductions system on ECG
Socioeconomic factors influencing
high BP, smoking, serum cholesterol, obesity, diabetes
neck vessles
carotid artery, internal and external jugular arteries
assessment: Subjective data
chest pain, dyspnea, orthopnea, cough, fatigue, cyanosis or pallor, edema, nocturia, past cardiac history, family cardiac history, personal habits
uneven, uncontrolled breathing
how do they sleep?
personal habits (cardiac risk factors)
stress, exercise, smoking, medicaitons, nutrition
mild increase in SBP in healthy adults, no change in DBP and resting HR, decreased ability to compensate for exercise
maternal health, feeding without tiring, growth, activity and milestones
growth, activity peers, joint pain and fever, headache and nosebleed, respiratory disease, family history
pregnant women
Hypertension, hypotension, weight gain, acknowledge vascular flow