Osteomyelitis: inflammation or infection of the bonemarrow.
Etiology: Most commonly caused by Staphylococcusaureusbacteria and it can be the result of a throatinfection.
Symptoms: sudden onset of highfever, chills, tenderness above the affectedbone, leukocytosis, and bacteremia. In adults it commonly occurs after a traumatic accident that includes the bone
Diagnosis: A Physical exam that reveals pain in a bone and an elevatedWBC can be suggestive factors of osteomyelitis. An elevated erythrocytesedimentation rate, an x-rayexam, MRI scan, or a CT scan can also reveal abnormalities.
Treatment: aggressiveintravenousantibiotictherapy. It also includes debridement of the bone and removingsurgicalhardware during another surgery.
Prevention: The cleaning and properly treating of wounds especially if they're deep is a good preventive measure.