Cards (137)

  • Tectum: Has two parts: the superior and inferior colliculi.
  • Superior Colliculi: coordinates eye and head movement
  • Inferior Colliculi: coordinates audition (ears) and head movement
  • Tegmentum: Has three parts: Substantial Nigra, Periaqueductal Gray, Ventral Tegmental Area
  • Substantia nigra: helps maintain movement
  • Periaqueductal Gray: process pain signals within the body receptors
  • Ventral Tegmental Area: the beginning of the pleasure pathway and euphoria
  • Forebrain (Division), Diencephalon (Subdivision): Thalamus and Hypothalamus
  • Thalamus: Sensorial, relay station for all signals except smell (it's a reproductive behavior)
  • Hypothalamus: Endocrine system, BBB thin layer, glands and hormones (just under), the 4 F's; fight, fleeing, feeding, fucking
  • Forebrain (Division), Telencephalon (Subdivision): Limbic System, Striatum, Cortex
  • Limbic System: emotional experiences
  • Amygdala: learning & memory, remembering emotional events
  • Amygdala: emotional hub, the most important
  • Nucleus accumbens: target of pleasure pathway and end of pleasure pathway
  • Striatum/Basal Ganglia: has strips and involved maintain & base of movement
  • Sense of smell goes to the amygdala first
  • The Cortex is also named Neocortex which means new, because it is maturing each day, it is the newest thing humans develop
  • The Cortex is the outer layer
  • The Cortex is 2-4mm thick, has 25 billion neurons, 62,000 miles of axons, 300,000,000,000 synapses (in the outer layer), it's wrinkled on the surface area
  • Sulci is also named sulcus which is the groves
  • Gyri is also named the gyrus which are ridges
  • There are two hemispheres the left & right and the corpus collosum
  • Corpus Collosum sends communication signals between hemispheres because it is bilateral
  • There are 4 lobes in the brain occipital, temporal, parietal, and frontal
  • Occipital processes vision and is the visual cortex of the brain.
  • Temporal processes audition and storing some memories
  • Partietal processes body sensation (cold, pain, burns)
  • Frontal is responsible for movement, it makes commands
  • The frontal cortex involves problem solving, judgment, reasoning, personality, working memory, social and sexual behavior, morality, guilt, logic, etc.
  • In the frontal cortex there is impulse control, which allows you do decide what to do; good or bad. This also involves behavioral inhibition and filter behavior in certain social roles
  • People who are under drug abuse and addiction don't have impulse control
  • In infants suffer from hydrocephalus because the CSF isn't drained properly, it cause brain damage if not caught in time
  • The Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricles is water the brain floats in
  • There is 125 ml of CFS it is made by the choroid plexus, which is 500 ml in one day
  • In the CFS the ventricles which are holes in the brain
  • The ventricles are named 1-4, foramen of Monroe, cerebral aqueduct, and the central canal
  • The choroid plexus is inside the ventricles
  • The foramen of Monroe is the small drainage that connects the 1st two ventricle to the third
  • The cerebral aqueduct connects the third to the forth ventricle