The Functionalist View - Gender as a Social Construct

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  • Parsons completed his studied on gender in 1955
  • Parsons (1955) said females have an 'expressive role' in the family - This is natural based on the fact they bear children - a role which is also then reinforced by socialisation
  • Parsons (1955) said males have an 'instrumental role' - the breadwinner & the protector - Also based on physical strength & reinforced by socialisation (these roles are functional for the family)
  • Parsons (1955) said the 'expressive role' of females & 'instrumental role' of males are functional for the family & society
  • However, most sociologists argue that gender, and gender identities are socially constructed, learned through socialisation but also changeable (like Mead's stud where males & female behaviour is learned rather than biologically determined)
  • Willmott and Young (1962) were criticists of Parsons (1955) Functionalist View on Gender
  • Willmott and Young (1962) argue men & women now take greater share of domestic tasks and women are wage earners (this rejects Parsons, 1955 Functionalist View on Gender)